
Hi there!

My name is Annabella, I am a 36 year old Lebanese woman, born in Lebanon, raised in Los Angeles and I love to write, meditate, do yoga, partake in women's communities, and cook vegan & gluten free foods. So enjoy with me !

I have a degree in English literature from UC Santa Barbara and have been blogging since 2008 and currently work in the tech industry. I love to write, rewrite, and INSPIRE change. I have always felt different, as most of us marginalized women do, and I am constantly rewriting my about me as I am always evolving.

I am currently on a feminist trip trying to change the world, one toxic male at a time. PLEASE read ;) subscribe & FOLLOW (it helps me pay rent)




instagram: lovepeaceabella


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Were you silent or were you silenced?

I wrote this poem about a month ago, but it is very relevant to pop culture right now.  The sound of a woman's gathering, how comforting...

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