2018 Retrospective.

Posted on: 12.17.2018

Looking back at 2018, and even further back to the start of my adult life - I have grown SO much. I attribute a lot of my growth to my yoga & meditation practice that I take pretty seriously, if I don’t say it enough. I have always been drawn to spirituality , and have always felt the divine feminine “strong” in me.

This year has been an amazing experience that I will be forever grateful for. To date, it’s been the best year of my life. Which is so exciting, because I know more is on the way.

Last year - in contrast, I had the worst year of my life. And then in October, when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, life gave me a boost. And a big one! I got a new job, a great one, in a new city, with a new apartment (my own studio! after years of living with my parents) - and the potential to grow as a human being. In the beginning of the year I suffered through tremendous anxiety (shakes, panic attacks, feeling out of breath), and it felt so permanent. 

Society really does pull you down, through its rules and it’s stereotypes and its judgement. But in my own space - I have been able to cultivate a sacred space - and GROW. Finally.

I have meditated EVERY night for the past year. And I am developing exponentially than before. I am thankful and grateful for my job - although never wanting to truly settle (but that’s another topic ;) ) - for giving me the opportunity to grow the way I have.




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