this ones for the boys...

Posted on: 1.16.2018

i have to argue for a minute, in favor of men. in favor of the good ones that exist. Because in my life, I have some amazing men. I am #blessed. My father, who is made of gold, and my male cousins (the younger ones) , also made of gold. not pure gold...i can't say they are perfect, because no one is, but they TRY. They are WOKE.

i can't help but worry that all this man-hating is going to make men resent us. a few times now, a man has refused to help me pick up a large package, or help keep the door open for me, or what seems to have been purposefully walking past me with some anger. and i believe it is due to what is going on in the media currently. The #metoo, the #timesup etc.

As a woman, it is hard to not defend other women, regardless. I stand by women on all topics, and yes I agree, for SOME it is #timesup.  But I would hate to categorize all men as such men that have made headlines recently.

I support the type of feminism that captures sexuality as strength and respect. I prefer to flip the script on sexuality. There is nothing wrong with it. And I can't say that it's wrong for a man to act out on his instincts (at the bar, on the street - not at work).

So this in favor of them and in favor of wearing your sexuality on your sleeve, and in favor of men holding the door open for me.

I love flirting.

And I worry that flirting, simple flirting, is what these men will stop doing for fear of any backlash.

We already live in a prudish society. Doesn't this send the wrong message to normal guys? To tell them to stay away from us? Is that what we want?

I think that eroticism is the highest form of intelligence. So yes, it is important to keep it tame when in certain situations.

But may we always flirt in the hallways outside of work. On the streets. And in bars.


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