2016 Retrospect

Posted on: 1.02.2017


Just a note about 2016...SO glad it's over. I think our human population is definitely moving towards being on the same wavelength, which is a great improvement, because it not only proves that we are all the same, but it means we are moving towards a better world. The fact that so many people are officially "OVER" 2016 - that mean's more than just those memes you are seeing - it means progress, and learning, and growing. YAY humans!

On a personal note - I had an amazing year of gratitude, forgiveness, a stronger focus on education & self. I am much better this year than I was last year around:

I am in a much happier workplace - have wonderful coworkers that I look up to - whether they know it or not ;).

I am healthier - having done yoga 3x a week ALL YEAR LONG & wanting to continue my study of the practice. It has definitely helped me focus better and have a clearer mind. It is also a great substitute for ballet - which is so hard to find !

I am stronger - in regards to dealing with personal issues I may not have handled so well in the beginning.

I have the BEST family and friends - which I have helped myself curate. I CHOOSE the best of friends, who uplift me, make me smile & inspire me. Throw any bad friends away - life is too short.

I have a new niece, which has taught me to slow down and appreciate the little things - she's so little & cute ;)

Ok, enough of my chatter. Does anyone even read these things?? ;)~

Here's to 2017!!!!!!




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