Single is the new superhero

Posted on: 2.16.2019

Do you pity singles?

Please don't.

I definitely do not pity myself. 

I think it is historically common to see singles and think that they are "lonely". Honey please, I am single, but rarely alone, don't insult me.

Not only are my parents, my niece, my sister, and my best girlfriends the LOVES of my life, they fulfill me in a way that a man never has and potentially never will.

I think that whether you are in a relationship or not you possibly receive all the love you need. And I am SO fulfilled.

Technically speaking, if you want to list out pros and cons, it is more easier financially and potentially emotionally. Your partner can help you carry your burdens or eradicate them. But a solo being needs to carry them all on their own - or with their loved ones.

Anyway, next time you are speaking to someone who is single get your head out of a cage and NEVER assume they are sad or lonely. Ask them about their vivacious love life, about that one time they shouted out to a cute guy on the street, Carrie Bradshaw style, or that one time they randomly decided to be a lesbian for a month .

Trust me , its healthy & exciting to be single, you should try it ;)~

Is Magic Real?

Posted on: 2.04.2019

Yes. Especially if you believe in it.

I know it sounds woo woo and hokus pokus but don't you think it's crazy that you could simply repeat the mantra's :

I am confident.
I am bold.
I am beautiful.

And two years later you suddenly feel it, and ARE it?

I believe. And it came true.

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