Fuck Dating.

Posted on: 12.21.2018


I can’t talk about dating without talking about SELF LOVE & SELF CARE first. You can drive yourself crazy dating over and over again without finding out the truth of why it isn't working out.

Here are a few rules I recommend BEFORE deciding to date:

1. Self care & self love yourself to the max in all kinds of ways, like: spiritual ritual cleansing baths. Baths can not just help to relax you, but I believe can “protect” you from bad energy by literally cleaning out toxins that are not letting you feel your best. I take baths up to 3 times a week!
2.  Journal nightly - learn more about yourself and becoming familiar with your patterns by writing out things that have happened throughout your day. This way, at the end of the week you can read about small details that happened earlier in the week that you may have repressed and realize that sometimes you repeat patterns. When you realize what these patterns are, you can consciously stop them.
3. Find out what you really want in a man by coming to terms with the TRUTH about what you want and need, what is going to fill your soul, and not by illusions of love and the type of “prince charmings” that fairy tales teach us about, because they aren’t real.
4. Realize that there is another TYPE of life that you can lead, that has nothing to do with a man: like being fully 100% independent and happy without a man - it can be done. Rely on your friends for the “love” that you need. Sometimes your best friends can provide better support than the men in your life.

I personally am now single, by choice, I LOVE IT, and I highly recommend dating ONLY for fun. Ok fine, so now I’ll talk about dating, if I must ;) 

I have personally been on all types of apps - from match, to tinder, to bumble, plenty offish etc…My personal favorite is bumble. And the reason is because what the brand stands for - which is women power. Women make the first move, and it subliminally makes men feel like they no longer have power over us, which in turn makes them feel “powerless” and kind of at our mercy (which I not so secretly LOVE). I truly believe the more women that join it, the better men will behave.

Dating can be hard. Here are some tips that I would like to share from my learnings about the process:

  1. Date LOTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MEN - you will be very surprised by what you end up liking. By different types I mean: different ages, different ethnicities, different work industries etc. If you turn it into a game, you won’t get your feelings hurt as much. 
  2. If a guy doesn't return your calls, MOVE ON. I am not here to make you feel better. I am being honest and I will save you lots of unnecessary tears. Men are assholes, and they don’t care for your feelings that much. So if he doesn't return your call, don’t even bother texting goodbye. You don’t need closure. You just need a new guy ;) and fast!
  3. Keep lots of men handy at all times, do not do not do not date just 1 guy at a time. I know it’s hard, and I don't mean 5 guys at a time, that is extreme. But maybe 2 , and try for 3. This way if one drops off, your fine.
  4. Date your man every week or two. Do not expect to see him every night, that isn’t realistic. Find hobbies and stick to them - and actually BE busy, don’t “pretend”!! I am assuming you are a kick-ass hard working woman that socializes at night and works out - so do just that, don’t make him first.
  5. Focus on yourself during the dating process. Remind yourself that you are looking for HIM to impress you (not the other way around). If he isn't 100% a perfect man to you , kick him out. i.e. If he isn’t taking you out as much as you would like, tell him directly, and see how he responds. If he doesn't respond that way you like, say bye.
  6. Last but definitely not least, focus on your goals FIRST. Don’t put men or dating as a priority, because guess what, they definitely don’t put women first. Focus on that raise, that promotion, and buying yourself that new bag. You don’t need him. 



SIMPLE Vegan & Gluten Free Potato & Leek Soup.

Posted on: 12.18.2018

OMG you are going to devour this soup. Very simple to make too!

1. 4 Stalks of LEEK , chopped
2. 1 onion, chopped
3. 1 garlic, minced.
4. 6 potatoes - chopped , I like my soup a bit chunky , so up to you how big or small you want these
5. 1 Bok Choy (optional!, I happened to have some one day and threw it in and it tasted perfect!)
6. 1 teaspoon salt
7. 1 teaspoon thyme
8. 1 tsp rosemary
9. 4 cups vegetable broth (gluten free)
10. 1/2 tsp coriander
11. Black pepper to taste
12. 1 tbsp avocado oil
13. 2 small cans of coconut cream


1. So, first, saute the onions, garlic and leek on medium heat for about 10 minutes . Mix in all the spices after they are fully cooked.
2. Add in the vegetable broth & all potatoes (or until potatoes are fully covered in the broth) and cook on medium for another 10-15 minutes until potatoes are fully cooked
3. Add in the coconut cream
4. BLEND everything in the pot using an immersion blender (I don't fully blend mine because I like it chunky) , or slowly transfer to a blender until the entire soup is blended.


2018 Retrospective.

Posted on: 12.17.2018

Looking back at 2018, and even further back to the start of my adult life - I have grown SO much. I attribute a lot of my growth to my yoga & meditation practice that I take pretty seriously, if I don’t say it enough. I have always been drawn to spirituality , and have always felt the divine feminine “strong” in me.

This year has been an amazing experience that I will be forever grateful for. To date, it’s been the best year of my life. Which is so exciting, because I know more is on the way.

Last year - in contrast, I had the worst year of my life. And then in October, when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, life gave me a boost. And a big one! I got a new job, a great one, in a new city, with a new apartment (my own studio! after years of living with my parents) - and the potential to grow as a human being. In the beginning of the year I suffered through tremendous anxiety (shakes, panic attacks, feeling out of breath), and it felt so permanent. 

Society really does pull you down, through its rules and it’s stereotypes and its judgement. But in my own space - I have been able to cultivate a sacred space - and GROW. Finally.

I have meditated EVERY night for the past year. And I am developing exponentially than before. I am thankful and grateful for my job - although never wanting to truly settle (but that’s another topic ;) ) - for giving me the opportunity to grow the way I have.



Let's talk feminism - Aston Martin's new President Laura Schwab

Posted on: 12.16.2018

Let’s talk feminism. Again. 

So last week I was chatting with my man of the moment. And he sent me a video of Jay Leno & Aston Martin’s new female president driving & talking about the car. For those of you that don’t know - Aston Martin is a very high end luxury car that is incredibly expensive.

After he sent me the video, he added a comment that said (this is a direct quote from a text), “lol, they hired this women to be the president of aston usa and she knowns nothing about the car and sounds so dumb look at all the comments”.

I immediately went into woman power feminist mode and barked back with “why are you so mysogynistic? if that was a male and sounded like an idiot you would still applaud him. She’s probably more into finance than the car’s engine”. 

His response (a direct quote), was, “No I wouldn’t applaud him she was specifically hired because of the whole feminist movement to try to make the company look good. But she's a joke, doesn’t know anything about her own car Jay Leno basically had to answer the questions”.

My genius reply was, “We (women) haven’t been afforded the same opportunities as long as you (men) have . So of course she may not be as well versed but doesn't mean you shouldn't give her a chance.”

My reply is what the feminist movement is all about - giving women a chance. I am not saying we are “better”. No one is better. We are “EQUAL”. And the only way we can truly be equal is if we are ALSO given OPPORTUNITIES, when men are constantly given jobs, pay raises, insane bonuses, for having a lot less experience than us. 

I could talk about this for days. But in short, MAN UP - we need men on our side this year, we can’t do this alone. Men need to realize that we are here for the opportunities so that WE can feed our families and provide support. We (women) are here for the opportunities so that we don't have to rely on a man and can be free from their power (and let’s be honest - sometimes their wrath). 

What is confidence?

Posted on: 12.11.2018

What is confidence?

Confidence is something you have, in your mind, and in your spirit. It allows you to walk through situations without feeling inadequate. It allows you to feel fully and completely in your skin. It IS something you can cultivate and grow into, with practice.

I can't speak to how to fix or gain confidence without first discussion why you lack confidence.

Lack of confidence most likely lives in your subconscious which was placed there through trauma, abuse, tragic experiences, or the like.

To fix this..in short, MEDITATE. A lot!

Meditation actually helps to CLEAR your subconscious. And it takes work and a few years before you see major changes. You will see slight changes in the interim. But I have experienced massive change after 1 year and a half, I can't imagine what my progress will look like in another year!

It sounds so simple, and it is ! :)

Super Simple Cauliflower & Garbanzo Soup, Gluten Free & Vegan

Posted on: 12.09.2018

Super Simple Cauliflower Soup , Vegan & Gluten Free

1. A whole cauliflower (or two)
2. Fresh Tomatoes - Qty 3
3. 2 Onions
4. 3 cloves of garlic
5. Tomato Sauce
6. 2 cups precooked garbanzo beans (soaked overnight)

1. Chop up some onions, and cook until golden , add garlic
2. Add spices to onions (1 tbsp coriander, 1 tbsp turmeric, 1 tbsp cumin, 1 tbsp paprika, 1 tbsp cayenne pepper)
3. Add tomatoes & tomato sauce to onions
4. Transfer the sauce to a larger cooking bowl
5. Add in the chopped cauliflower
6. Add in the garbanzo beans
7. Simmer on low for 15 minutes or go

**as always, intentionally simple for those on-the-go babes.

Super Simple Vegan Gluten Free Salad

Local Organic Ingredients Only Recommended:

 1. Large Tomatoes, approximately 4
2. Garbanzo Beans, soaked overnight
3. Kidney Beans, soaked overnight
4. Avocado

 For The Dressing: Squeeze some lemon & add salt & pepper / a drizzle of oil, maybe a smash of garlic or two

 **Recipe is intentionally simple, for those in-a-rush mom's or working ladies**

best holiday gifts for men.

Posted on: 12.08.2018

Is it just me or are men so hard to shop for? This list will make it easy for you. The thing is men don't show their feelings, or their wants. But trust me on the inside they are squealing, they LOVE this stuff. Show a man a nice pair of cuff links and watch his eyes literally light up. So here is my Christmas/Holiday gift list for men. Enjoy:

best gifts for your sassy mom.

Posted on: 12.04.2018

Best Gifts for Her.

Posted on: 12.01.2018

What to buy the wonder women in your life:

5 reasons why yoga & meditation are so good for you

5 reasons why yoga & meditation are so good for you

1. Stretch your body - stretch your mind 

 Possibly one of the most prominent reasons for stretching your body is to have the ability to stretch your mind. Notice how there are days when you feel more flexible than others ? This is because flexibility is partly in the mind. The way you feel about yourself, your current daily experiences, and your emotions have a direct effect on your body.

 2. Increase your strength through mindfulness

 Some people think that power comes from muscles. I am living proof this isn't true. I am 5’0 and 97 lbs, however, I have very odd strength. I think part of it is due to my parents never letting me realize how small I was growing up! Funny enough, they would call me “Hercules” , “horse” , and told me I was “SO strong”. And I grew up believing it! I believe it so much, that at times, I can lift things that very large men with strong muscles can lift. Moral of the story - strength is in the mind. Yoga can help with that. Yoga encourages you to use your mind & your breath to be able to achieve complicated poses with minimal effort.

 3. Release bad energy through breath.

 The one thing I love about hitting the mat after work or on the weekends - is that it is an entire hour & a half all to myself, with my thoughts, and no one’s voice, other than the teacher, trying to tell me what to do. I work all week and by Saturday I am exhausted. I feel rejuvenated after yoga and a lot of it has to do with letting bad energy out of your body through your breath. 
Yogi’s believe that you can transfer thoughts from one person to another through breathing and wavelengths. This same belief holds true for stored up, bad energy. Strong breathing for one hour and a half is a lot of bad energy out of your body! When the teacher says “breathe through the pain”, its not just metaphorical - there are very minute molecules that we can’t see that we need to stir up and push out of our bodies.

 4. Elongate your stance through stretching

 One of the main functions of yoga isn't often spoken about - stretching your spine! You can actually look, feel, and BE taller through yoga. All of the forward bends, back bends, down dog, even childs pose - these are all for the purpose of stretching out the spine!

 5. Feeling more present & centered. 

 I personally meditate one hour per night. If you don’t have that kind of time on your hands, even 10 minutes of daily practice will help. Meditation really helps you focus. I am a very natural person - I’ve never taken any of the drugs that my friends have for focus & attention & I don’t need to! It’s definitely a longer & harder road through meditation - but its HEALTHIER! Meditation brings you back into the present more often. If you notice yourself “daydreaming” a lot or thinking about your future or your past - that is the exact opposite of being present. Being present is really hard! It’s about being able to sit still and be COMFORTABLE with nothing. This meditation practice for me is actually comforting. It’s something I do before bed and it makes me feel lighter & happier.

Why your best friends are the true loves of your life.

Posted on: 11.27.2018

Women get women. There are so many unspoken understandings between women that men cannot comprehend simply because they lack the experience of being a woman. I LOVE my friends & my sister. I love them more than I have ever loved a man. I have dated many men, this isn’t about man bashing. Women are spectacular and understanding and empathetic. And when you remove the competition, which generations have worked so hard to make happen, and there is nothing to compete against, you are left with good women who simply make life more happy. I have recently been inspired by “All the Single Ladies” written by Rebecca Traister. It’s not what you think it is, but so much more. It really speaks to all the reasons I understood, but didn’t have the words to articulate, why it is so much better to be single. Again, not hating, its just a different lifestyle. And a single lifestyle can open the doors to so many more opportunities than you can imagine. I have always been told by society, by the way people behave, not necessarily through words, and by my grandparents that “you are next” when it comes to getting married, and I have always thought, ugh, i will never get married, for a hate of what it stands for - it stands for confinement, restriction, rules, and a slower paced life that cannot fulfill you as wholeheartedly. So… Why do you love your friends? You love them because they are an extension of you, a representation of you and what you stand for and accept. Friends, should, and usually come without judgement. They come with praise & encouragement, and they know how to uplift you in a way that a man doesn't know how. Men in general over sexualize women and can encourage a woman’s beauty, but sometimes you need a best girl friend who understands something deeper and can encourage the darkest parts of you.

Holiday Gift Guide.

Posted on: 11.26.2018

Holiday Beauty Gift Guide

A very SIMPLE vegan & gluten free Thanksgiving.

Posted on: 11.22.2018

 So this Thanksgiving , I hosted my first dinner ! All under $100 (for three people) and with very minimal ingredients per dish.

No meat, no dairy, and no eggs in sight!

This was my situation:

1. Green Beans w/ Scallions
2. Baked Sweet Potatoes
3. Baked Acorn Squash
4. Roasted Beets w/ Roasted Sesame Seeds
5. Vegan Mashed Potatoes
6. Side Salad

Green Beans w/ Scallions

Literally, a little oil, grill the scallions for a few minutes and then grill the green beans (about 1 lb) for 3 minutes. You can cook them longer if you want them softer.

Baked Sweet Potatoes 

Cut 3 sweet potatoes into cubes
Cover your pan with avocado oil or other
Place potatoes onto pan
Drizzle a little more oil over the potatoes
Sprinkle salt or garlic powder (or whatever you prefer)
Bake at 450 degrees for 35 minutes

Baked Acorn Squash

1. Bake 2 Acorns in the oven at 450 degrees for 30 minutes
2. Remove and slice in half
3. Cover each acorn in oregano , cinnamon and nutmeg
4. Cook for another 45 minutes
5. Serve with Maple Syrup

Roasted Beets

1. Cut up 5 red beets into cubes
2. Boil for 20 minutes
3. Then, Bake for 30 minutes at 450
4. Roast sesame seeds over the stove top on medium for about 5 minutes (no oil necessary) - they start to pop like popcorn
5. Drizzle the sesame seeds over the roasted beets when they are done cooking

Vegan Mashed Potatoes 

1. Cut up 5 large potatoes
2. Boil for 30 minutes
3. Smash until smooth
4. Add salt and oregano
5. If you would like, add 5 roasted garlic cloves

Side Salad:

1. Chopped Tomatoes
2. Dandelion (about a handful)
3. Lemon as your dressing
4. Cucumbers chopped


Beastly. Part 4.

Posted on: 11.18.2018

Part 4: Beastie was vernal when she walked in a room. She was like a breath of fresh air that did not give a damn what anyone thought of her, and she really didn’t. She brushed off others’ subliminal thoughts and judgement with no effort. Which is why she was able to influence and rally up her followers without even trying. Her posse came to her, she didn't even have to lift a finger, thats how powerful she was. Beastie had a scar that was striated along her thigh, and she was so proud of it. She thought imperfection was unique . Her whole being was diaphanous , she wasn't afraid to speak her truth or be bold or direct. She was never dyspeptic because she was so healthy and uplifting , bright and positive. She moved and danced with celerity. She spoke to her comrades in homily, was definitely a leader with though provoking and provocative ideas . And her comrades listened eagerly as she led with love, not fear. She had a propensity for astrology, mythical idolatries, and tarot cards. She is definitely a mystic and she was their deity. Her daily attitude was sanguine , it was difficult to get her to not be so joyous for no reason, as her meditations elated her. Her mellifluous spirit definitely attracted her adherents. Although kind natured, when provoked, her truculent attitude came to life. She was from the hood, afterall. When alone, or with her lovers, she was ultra salacious by nature and a true lover at heart, but only for a lucky few. She was cosseted by her parents, probably way too much as a child, and therefore was a slow grower, but nevertheless, she grew to perfect proportions in essence and in reality. She was rarely crestfallen considering she was very grounded and realistic when she needed to be. She understood the rules very well and was able to separate herself from her emotions, especially when it came to survival. This is how she survived. The egress outside of her apartment led out to a large deck . Her adherents ineptitude at times angered her but she loved them anyway, for she loved them for their hearts and pure souls and nothing else. Her love and essence were of esoteric understanding, most men looked at her with question, as opposed to open and welcoming faces. They wondered why she was so small, why her hair was so big. They thought, hmm she’s attractive but would I feel proud having her stand next to me in front of my business partners? Yuck, She shunned men because she was so attuned to how they viewed her and what they wanted from her. She had true love once, for a short while, and then never again, for along while. Which she was ok with, because she learned to self-soothe and self-love. She closed the idea on being incomplete without a lover, she felt even more complete on her own. Her ethos , virtues, and constitution was manifold. Her behavior was exemplary for others, a true goddess, firm in her notions and actions. She constantly exonerated her adversaries, for the simple purpose of letting their thoughts evaporate from her aura. She constantly cleansed her space and was free from evil thoughts. Because she believed that having evil thoughts attracted evil thoughts, so if she was free from evil they would stay away. They tried, because they were challenged and threatened by her. So she was forced to constantly protect herself. She was so libertine, that was was idolized by her adherents and loved so deeply. Her voice was surprisingly more sonorous than you expect, which required others to bow respectfully. She constantly refuted the accusations against her constantly as the stellas were always trying to spread calumny that she was all fake and a terrible person. Although sweet and kind, Beastie was recalcitrant towards authority and loved breaking the rules. The exegesis of Beastie’s lifestyle was constantly inaccurate. She would cachinnate at the stories in social media about her. They would attempt to mar her reputation but it never worked. The stellas were oddly noisome to the modern nose, constantly covering themselves up in atrocious fragrance thinking they were doing something good. The girls might have as well had a yoke connecting all their necks.

ilove: health & wellness

Posted on: 11.14.2018

I can really tell how healthy someone is by walking through their kitchen. Most people boast about being healthy, but they don't make healthy lifestyle choices in their food, activities, and even products. My life is 360 degrees healthy. If you walked through my kitchen, you would not find vegetable or canola oil, you would never find sugar (of any kind) , and definitely no butter. I am vegan, gluten free, non-gmo, and snack free. Yes, I said SNACK FREE! I eat fruit, popcorn, and pure chocolate as my snack. If you walked through my bathroom you would see that my handsoap is natural (it's so natural, it's brown, and I have to tell people not to be scared of it), my body wash is natural & organic, and my essential oils are piled up! If you walked through my living room & bedroom you would not find a television. Overall, I live an incredibly healthy lifestyle, and I am dedicated to it. If my friends pressure me to eat something I don't want to eat at dinner I get genuinely upset and I even yell at them. (If) I had a boyfriend, I would make them become vegan. Here is a list of items to stock your new healthy organic cabinet with, TOSS everything else: 1. Avocado Oil 2. Unrefined Coconut Oil 3. Almond Slices 4. Mueseli 5. Vegan gluten free protein powder 6. Electrolyte Powder 7. Sunflower seeds 8. Quinoa 9. Gluten Free Pasta (if you must, but don't eat often) 10. Rice - again, eat limited Here is what is currently in my fridge: 1. Raw Carrots 2. Cucumbers 3. Tomatoes 4. Roasted Yams 5. Lentil Soup (homemade) 6. Kale 7. Swiss Chard 8. Lemons (TONS!) 9. Apples 10. Grapes 11. Sugar Snap Peas 12. Fresh Olives

3 step natural HAIR mask

OMG easiest hair mask EVER , and organic, of course: **I personally have thick course , dry , frizzy curly hair. I sound so attractive don't I ? LOL And if you leave this mask in overnight its like a miracle 1. Organic UNREFINED (unrefined is so important) coconut oil - a few large tablespoons depending on how long or thick your hair is 2. Organic Black Jamaican Castor Oil (must be BLACK not just Castor Oil) - a few large tablespoons 3. Organic Avocado Oil - a few large tablespoons I am not picky about the measurements because I don't think there is a magic formula, the more the better! It's best if you are able to wrap up your hair at night (and surround yourself with towels) and keep it in your hair for a full 24 hours. Trust, your curls will bounce like magic. If you can't at the very least try to leave it in for a full hour or two

the best crystals for protection.

Posted on: 11.13.2018

The best crystals for protection are usually black gems. You can find the best crystals for protection on Etsy ! I always try to search for locals through the filter option in Etsy so that I am supporting my nearby small businesses and save on shipping costs and time! Save the enviornment! I also always use the words "high quality" when searching. Tourmaline can help absorb bad energy frequencies and keep them away from you:
ONYX - which helps to transform negative energy & provide protection:
Obsidian Point:
Selenite - to attract positive energy
Amethyst: to dispel negative energy:

love kiss.

we love we kiss we laugh we play life is this.

What is Karma?

Posted on: 11.11.2018

By definition, Karma is the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences, also known as destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. The best way to free yourself from past actions from previous states of existence is by being good, everyday, and doing good deeds. For example, you can donate to causes, take care of someone who means a lot to you, or give someone a smile for no reason!


Posted on: 11.09.2018

How do you achieve serenity? You let go. You let others fight their battles but you don't let it absorb unto you. Namaste.

5 best oils for curly hair.

Posted on: 11.02.2018

1. Jojoba Oil 2. Jamaican Black Castor Oil 3. Avocado Oil 4. Shea Butter

how to: self care.

Posted on: 10.27.2018

If you follow me on insta, @lovecrushbella, you KNOW I love a good self care Sunday. Here is my list of MUSTS for Sunday's, all around the topic of self-care: 1. Start the day with meditation and a downward dog. 2. Take a yoga class, preferably for an hour and a half or two hours (trust me you have the time) 3. Use the steam room for 20 min 4. Enjoy an afternoon treat - avocado toast, anyone? 5. Don't clean your room. 6. Put in a hair mask for at least 3 hours while you lounge/read/etc. 7. Take a bubble bath while putting on a face mask (or two) 8. Prep your meals for the week - meal prepping is self care for the entire week! 9. Meditate for 1 hour before bedtime 10. Listen to ocean sounds while dozing off Yes, I ACTUALLY do all of these things, in this order, on Sundays. I promise it will set you up for the most perfect work week. #selfcarestrong

sweater weather: it's a turtleneck story.

how to start a blog: be pretty.

You know what really bothers me? I have been attempting to be a blogger for about 10 years. Obviously I haven't made it yet.

What is the most difficult in our society is for people to move past the obvious: your face.

Not everyone wants to spend the time to learn more about you or break down your walls and barriers and find out the real you.

You kind of have to scream out who you are, unapologetically, and loud.


- KIND, first.
- SOFT, first.
- LOVING, first.
- AMBITIOUS, next.
- DARING, next.
- STYLISH, last.

Be a hybrid.

- Bella.



I'm not complaining, it's no one's fault, I'm here to ask nicely.

So I work in corporate america as a ethnic woman. I'm not complaining, because I do love a challenge, and I am a hard worker. But I find my treatment vs. others in the office (others being caucasian / asian - I include asian because they are automatically revered as "highly intelligent" ) - to be less than the way others are treated. In regards to respect, I am not respected for my age - I mean I am 33 years old - is 13 years of suffering in underdeveloped corporate America not enough to garner that respect?

Kavatrash was just elected for Supreme Court Justice.

Posted on: 10.06.2018

Kavatrash was just elected for supreme court, the highest honor in the US. 

This is huge and something I am heartbroken over, I could literally fall over and cry.

This is so much more than a man being elected to supreme court. If you don’t know by now, this man is being accused of rape. Regardless of how long ago it happened, he refused to answer questions from the senate under court of law.

So that answers my question. He did it. 

This is much more than a man being appointed to supreme court, and so much more than being about just one rape story.

This is about the treatment and inequality of men and women,  in the US, on a daily basis, and globally - even worse globally at times. Did you know women in Pakistan and Sudan get arrested and even killed if they disrespect their husband - have you heard of “honor killings”. It’s a thing. And #timeisfuckingup.

This is about how often women get overlooked, dismissed, interrupted, sexually assaulted, raped and killed, in the US and definitely abroad.

We cannot take these lesser behaviors (being dismissed, interrupted) to be “minor” and insignificant.  They happen on the streets, in our workplaces, and at home. If we allow for these things, then we allow for acceptance and dismissal of these much graver offenses - rape and murder.

On a “smaller” scale, in the workplace, i am very attuned to when men don’t respect me or believe me simply because “I am a woman”. 

  • I am not given a credit card while the men around me are, to make proprietary purchases.
  • I am expected to be perfect, even go above & beyond, while the men are expected to do JUST enough
  • I am expected to show emotion & applaud those around me. While the men just need to BE there
  • I am expected to stay behind in the office while the men go to on site meetings for something i worked on
  • Men have the audacity to ask me if I own an iphone, expecting that I wouldn’t have enough money to afford one (LMAO, please don’t insult me)
  • Men assume my outfit is representative of either the way I wish to portray myself or a representation of my bank account. Both are usually incorrect. 
  • I haven’t had a direct female boss in 10 years. 

I could go on for days.

These are incredibly minor in perspective to murder and rape. But do you understand that if you ACCEPT this treatment you are opening the door to much worse treatment?

The decision to elect Kavatrash is a reflection of what goes on on a daily basis, and it proves how disastrous this inequality can surmount to .

The US government will not have a fighting chance to turn back Roe Vs Wade, and set us back about 50 years. Fuck being female if that ever happens.

On a “smaller” scale, in the workplace, i am very attuned to when men don’t respect me or believe me simply because “I am a woman”. 

That definition to a man, is much much different than that of a woman.

Men have it wired in their subconscious to see women as the inferior breed - I see it even in the men I love. To view them as objects, servants in the home, possessions.

So be awake - both of us, men & women, be wide fucking awake. #timeisfuckingup . I’m so over this. Going to cry now.

How to get a job in the beauty industry.

Posted on: 9.26.2018

How to get a job in the beauty industry. I should know..because I have one. In visual merchandising. 

Here's strong list of "to-do's" in order to get a job in the beauty industry:

1. It may sound traditional, but I went to UCSB, and I attribute my success to that. So, if you can, go to school, even part time if you have to. Receive a higher degree - because it's competitive out there! And unfortunately that's the only way to differentiate amongst everyone.

2. Put your portfolio online (through carbonmade.com OR behance.com) and share your portfolio with recruiters.

 3. GET AN INTERNSHIP NOW! If you are still in college, definitely get internships early, brands like Estee Lauder and L'oreal, offer SUMMER internships every year. If you don't get one this year, try again next! Look up the "career" section of ANY brand you are interested in , through their website.

 4. Don't say no to unpaid internships, although not ideal (I know, you have to eat), experience NOW will help you later. My motto is, suffer now, play later. That fancy bag you are eyeing ?? You don't need it, TRUST.

 5. Don't feel like you can't change industries, if you really have to, invest in an online certificate (i.e. UCLA extension) and find a lower position, even if you have to start entry level. I personally took a huge step back four years into my career, to get the job I really wanted! And now, 8 years later, with 3 different brands!, it paid off! Be patient, it doesn't happen overnight.

6. Find someone on linkedin, and send them a message! Especially if it is a recruiter, or a VP in the department you want. I have often interviewed individuals that reach out to me through LinkedIn. It's impressive and shows you can take a beneficial risk.

 7.If you must, get an MBA. It can catapult you forward and counts for YEARS of experience. In other words, it's a replacement for experience.

 8. BE TENACIOUS. Hound the recruiters! Don't be shy. Send them weekly or monthly emails reminding them of your passion and curiosity, and your high GPA score ;) 6. It sounds cliche, but literally never give up. I once interviewed THREE times with a brand (for three different jobs) before finally getting All of these rules also pertain to fashion. I actually started my career in software, took a step "back" to fashion, and moved UP to cosmetics. It's been a wild but fulfilling ride.

 Find me @lovecrushbella xo

Analysis of Kanye Wests' "I Love It" Song

Posted on: 9.21.2018

A part of me wants to hate this song. But a part of me loves it. So I'll explain both. There is a very derogatory line in Kanye Wests' new song, "I Love It" that will make you think, "wait, what?!" That line is, "You're such a fucking hoe, I love it".... My first criticism is one you have probably heard before. These words are on the surface derogatory, insulting, and can be very damaging to the female psyche, especially long term. It can make her psyche lose confidence and power. These words can give men power to use against us and make us feel ashamed and "wrong" for being sexual. It also further imposes and strengthens the current patriarchal hierarchy and dynamics between men and women. It only further divides us. My second critique is that from my wild woman perspective. The one that tells me to reverse the standards of sexuality and objectify men. It's the side of me that tells myself to be wild and free. It's the side of me that tells myself to use the patriarchy to my advantage and own my degradation. It is probably the least understood and the most controversial I hope this explanation helps open your eyes to new ideas! A woman should never feel ashamed for being sexual. And this new definition of "hoe" is very freeing. It gives women permission to act "like men", to be who they are - which is a sexual being. In another way I imagine he is saying "free the hoe". Kanye comes from a very unordinary life where the rules don't pertain to him or his wife. For the average woman these words can be used against and can harm our reputation. And since we aren't "there" yet as a society, I must submit to the side of me that is FOR women and for their protection and I think these words should be used very very carefully, until we live in a world where we are free from judgement and stereotypes.

i am my mothers daughter.

Posted on: 8.26.2018

i am my mothers' daughter. you don't see her like I see her because you are blinded by society's colored veil i see her because she is my mother i see her pain and her struggle you look away because it's easier because you reap the rewards of your white skin and perfect vocabulary she is repressed and cornered and i will be her warrior. you will not repress me or hold me down because i speak up, i shout out, and i make things known. i fight for the beautiful ethnic girls of the future. may all your voices be heard.

you are enough.

Posted on: 8.12.2018

did you know you are enough? That all you have to do is breathe. And that's plenty. Release the pressures of society off yourself. You can be successful and work hard, sure, but at the end of the day when you are with yourself know that you are enough. And that you don't need to do more. You can, if you would like, but don't put unnecessary additional pressure on yourself to do so. Work hard, sure, but relax at the end of the day and let it all go. Don't feel guilty for not doing more.

Thigh Highs and Prayer.

Posted on: 8.08.2018

I am a walking contradiction and I love it. If I confuse you, good. I am wearing all black. Thigh highs. Long sleeve black shirt. Straight black hair. ETHNIC nose ;) But I pray today. I pray: Gratitude & Forgiveness I am democratic. I am less confessional. I am not too sweet. I am political. I am confident. I am minimal and thrive. I am the light. I am love. I have a barrier of entry from others' thoughts. Namaste.

natural hair care. curly to coily hair.

Posted on: 8.04.2018

So if you follow me on instagram @lovecrushbella, you know I am obsessed with natural, organic, skin & body care, #selfcare, #selflove, and hair masks!! I am making my own hair mask this week with the following ingredients: 1. Raw Shea Butter, 1 TBSP 2. Unrefined Coconut Oil, 1 TBSP 3. Sweet Almond Oil. 1 TBSP 4. Castor Oil, 1 TBSP All equal amounts and you can double it up if your hair is longer! I usually leave it in for a few hours while running around the house and cleaning and then wash it out thoroughly.

Why do brands tolerate racism from their influencers that they support ?

Posted on: 6.02.2018

Youtubers like James Charles and Kathleen Lights have promoted racism outwardly on social media. And brands like Morphe, NYX Cosmetics, L'Oreal and others STILL promote them, even collaborate with them. Where is the NO TOLERANCE rulebook when it comes to these KIDS? These twats? These ignorant little brats. Kick them the fuck out. NO TOLERANCE means progression. In the same manner that we have pulled high profile male celebrities and public figures from the media in regards to #metoo and #timesup, we should treat these KIDS the same. These kids have been raised in ignorant family status', being mostly from the MidWest. It's not their fault. They have been socialized. But it IS a brands fault for allowing it and continuing to promoting it. I scream, cry, and BEG, for no-tolerance. Even if it means you lose a few millions. I think you will be just fine, you billionaire brands you. Ugh, come the fuck on!

Winter Coats in the Summer.

So, I think it is wise to shop for Winter in the Summer. As in, store up some inexpensive, great looking quotes for less, the year before. And technically it's not for a full year, because these days the weather changes fairly quickly. I have been living in SF for 6 months and have been wearing my coats the entire time! Time for new coats...as long as I plan on staying here, that is ;) Great SALE on ASOS this weekend. See below!
xo Bella

Shop for Winter in the Summer

Posted on: 5.26.2018

Guess what I shop for at Summer sales? Winter outfits!! This is because they are at their lowest price point at this time. And this way you can be super stylish next Winter at a really great price. And if you really think about it, how many coats do you really rotate out during the winter? You probably end up wearing your favorite over and over, so you might as well invest in one that you really love that is at a medium price point!

The meaning behind millenial pink + Kylie Jenner's Cosmetics Pop Up in San Francisco

Posted on: 5.25.2018

As I walked up to the Kylie Jenner Cosmetics Pop Up Shop in San Francisco today, I noticed Millenial Pink covering her exterior windows, her millenial pink "drip paint" or shall I say "tears" covering all windows blocking the outside world from inside.

 I have loved the color pink since as far back as I can remember. I remember I had a full blown pink phase in college (in 2008) where literally all my tops were pink, my bed cover was a soft pink, my eyeglasses were pink etc.  My favorite ad campaign was hanging on my wall - an all-pink Dior sunglass campaign with pink bags on the floor surrounding a girl in a pink bathing suit and pink sunglasses.

 But I can also remember that I didn't always love pink. I remember there was my goth phase in the 6th grade, which developed through influences from music - black was my favorite color then, Hot Topics also came onto the scene at this time.

 So what is it that has drawn so many millenials, now older in our 20's, back into the color pink? Pink is generally associated with baby girl parties, it is rooted in our sub conscience as representing femininity and represents the "female" gender.

If you ask my arrogant & stubborn side, and my design side - my answer would be because the color is soft, approachable, relaxing, sweet, and HAPPY. If it were so simple, to not have to delve too deeply into theorizing anything, I would simply say that it is a color that stands out, simply for the reason of its place on the color scale.

 However, nothing is ever as it seems, so, my grander theory is that since it is in all of our sub conscience that this color represents "FEMALE" and if females have been raised to be more empathetic, nurturing, holistic etc., in a world full of hate and trouble, maybe this is a subliminal cry of tears from the masses for a female takeover. A stamp of FEMALE in a row of male owned shops near Market Street in the center of Silicon Valley, 95% MALE.

 I am a cultural and radical feminist who believes that a complete overhaul, a complete takeover a complete replacement of the patriarchy by a matriarchy in all nations, is the solution to all of our problems.

 So as I leave the Kylie Cosmetics Pop Up with one of her KOURT x KYLIE lipglosses in my hand, I think to myself, "why did I just buy this?". When I have plenty of lipsticks at home.

 "Why did I buy this"? I have no idea.

But the answer is, I bought it because on the surface, this is just cosmetics. But deep down, this is war and we females, are all in this together.

My support is in my dollars, and me purchasing this lipgloss is a huge fuck you to the patriarchy.

 If this lipgloss could speak it would say, where's my 10%? Where's my raise? Where's my money? Where's my house? Where's my RESPECT?

As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Wed, a New Era.....AWAKENS

Posted on: 5.20.2018

Ok so now that we have all awoken the next day after the grandiose yet tasteful wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in the UK. And now that I woke up to a douchey text from some dude from three weeks away, reality has sunk back in. While yes, inclusion & diversity has officially reached its pinnacle point - the reality is that the institution of marriage shouldn't be so aggrandized. Young impressionable girls will still look to this wedding, and while yes, hallelujah has some cultural progressions and inclusive messages, and will think that marriage is the ultimate goal or reach or pinnacle of one's being. Side note - I did appreciate the message that Reverend Michael Curry sent about family, and "out with the old and in with the new" - which kind of made me snicker.

Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Posted on: 5.19.2018

In modern social media news today...a white boy married a colored girl, and I couldn't be more proud. I couldn't feel more happy for the message that it sends.. In my mind it's more like no shit colored girls like myself matter, but I guess these peeps needed a major icon to look up to and follow. It's kind of sad for the human brain to need such an awakening. When all my life, I was BORN woke. I am tearing up as I feel so relieved for mankind.

Narcissism or Self Love?

Posted on: 5.18.2018

I tend to flip the script on most things, and when I think about social media and the way people use it - to promote themselves, for example, I think of self love. Most people would call this narcissism. But if it is narcissistic to be narcissistic (woah), then so be it. Because self-love could potentially evolve into world love. And by golly let's not try to stop that. The thing is, we can't control the way people think of us. We can do our best, by dressing well, speaking well, etc. to try to influence the way people judge us and stereotype us and hopefully, respect us. But the stereotypes that have been written about people that look like me, for example - Middle Eastern with thick frizzy curly hair - will not wash off me no matter how hard I try. So the best thing for me to do is to LOVE MYSELF, and do my best to reflect the way I think and feel about myself on social media, in hopes of influencing a few people to think about me in the same way. Social media allows me to be true to myself. It gives me a space to be who I am in my mind as opposed to who I have to be in socially constructed spaces. I have never felt more ethnic than I do now that I am 33 and living in San Francisco. I never realized how diverse Los Angeles was. WOW do I miss the diversity. There are so many caucasians here, and while they are respectful towards me, they (no matter how hard they try) cannot treat me the way I fully want to be treated because of their subconscious and their limiting beliefs due to the ways they were raised. It's no one's fault. It's everyone's fault. If we all rise up to a higher vibration, and stay woke, we can all live in world peace - and wow what would that type of world feel like? Nirvana? Utopia? Wonderland? I get excited just thinking about it. xoxo Annabella

My favorite things under $9

Posted on: 5.17.2018

Dating in 2018 is like....

Dating in 2018 is like dating the same guy over and over again. Men are just not there yet. They aren't woke. The underlying reasons why it's not working out is because the way we were all socialized. It's possible I am being overly general - but 60 dates later. I think I have a better theory than most.

So, I think the best thing to do is just stop.

Just stop and give yourself time for yourself - for learning more about yourself, loving yourself first, and giving yourself lots of selfcare.

Give yourself more time to hang out with your girlfriends!

are middle easterns the real minority?

Posted on: 5.16.2018

just a thought.

Am I too middle eastern? And more bullshit questions.

Posted on: 4.21.2018

I work in the beauty industry and overheard my caucasian coworker say, "She's too Middle Eastern".

Not about me, but about a model. This model wasn't "on brand". Working for a brand, I get it, sometimes I need to mute my personal style and focus on the "brand". But that doesn't match my politics. Am I demurring my ideals for money?

My politics tell me to promote and support everyone, regardless of what they look like. What would a brand look like if it had NO rules, literally NO rules about branding - model color style etc. Would it be TOO much? Or would it be just right?

How Long Does A Man Pull Away Usually And How To Reel Him Back

There are a few things to consider about how long does a man pull away usually and how to reel him back. First, consider your behavior patterns. How do you normally interact with your man? Do you text him frequently? Do you see him everyday?

If the answers are yes, then maybe you both need some space. Too much space is not healthy. But if your man is accustomed to you always being around, maybe you need to consider focusing on your hobbies and self-care before you put too much thought into the fact that he is pulling away.

There are so many reasons why men pull away. Men can pull away from distraction from work, from unhappiness in the relationship (restlessness), and from high stress in the relationship. It’s very rare that a man is cheating, so contrary to common belief, it is not likely that your man is cheating. But I will touch on this subject more, after I speak to these more common reasons first.

First, most men love adventure and change. If a man feels stuck at work and not appreciated, either in or out of the home, he will react. Most men have been taught to keep their emotions at bay, so he will not likely tell you he is upset. So their way of acting out is to pull away and keep silent, possibly act mopey. 

Since men love adventure and change, I recommend urging him to go on a spontaneous trip together doing something a little more masculine than you are accustomed to. For example, visit the mountains of Arizona, and go on hikes. Or visit an urban city with amazing food. In some instances it good to create space between one another, but in other situations, you may want to introduce a new activity - go zip lining in Mexico, go to a tall rooftop bar in Dubai, visit Spain! There are so many travel destinations that can help bring you closer. Consider a yoga retreat, or a closer getaway to hawaii or a local resort. Switching up your scenery & enviornment will really help change your spouse’s mood. It is possible your spouse is just in a rut and needs to see you in a different perspective.

Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few days from stress from work. 

Men get very hyper focused on work. And if they are incurring stress from work or their boss, they will bring this stress home and are not as easily able to release and let go, unless they are very spiritual. Most men ruminate over information over and over in their minds when it comes to work, that is how they solve problems. The best way to reel him back is to take care of him, if he let’s you. Be supportive, don’t put more pressure on him. And as always, back away as much as possible. Let him know you are there if he needs you but don’t force yourself on him, he may just want to be left alone. 

If you want to try to get your man to open up to you about work, ask him some questions and give him some  basic advice and then back away. Give him time to think about your words. He will without him telling you

Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few days from restlessness in a relationship.

Men were raised to be competitive & ambitious. Therefore, historically speaking, they are more inclined to become restless in a relationship. What might this mean? It might mean that they are looking for excitement elsewhere, that could be a new career in a new city, or a new relationship with someone else. Men are unfortunately not as loyal as women and easily lose interest and may be looking for someone new. The reasons are usually very subtle and insignificant in the mind of a female. But unfortunately due to the difference in which each sex has been raised, this is the case. Most women do put a lot of effort into pleasing their man, and leaves them wondering why the man would want to leave. It usually has nothing to do with you, it’s all in their mind and it’s their perspective on life. Even more reason to focus on yourself no matter what. In this case there is not much you can do to reel him back, so you need to move on quickly. If he sees you with another man this may trigger his competitive responses but you may not want to go back to him any longer at this point.

Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few months because he is going through a transition at a new job.

If your man recently got a new job and has pulled away from you, I recommend simply giving him some time to get acquainted with the new role. He may be hyper focused on proving himself and will need more time to himself. He may also need to spend a lot more time at work in the beginning to prove how hard of a worker he is. In this case, you do not need to try to reel him back in, your best bet is to give it time and try to support him in the mean time. Giving him space and maybe booking a nice dinner for the two of you every once in a while would be a nice break for him.

Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few months because his work enviornment is stressful and it is affecting his behavior.

If your man has a very demanding job or a demanding boss, he may be internalizing his responses and feelings and therefore seeming like he is pulling away. If your man is in this situation, carefully try to get him to come out and express himself, which he may not want to do, so definitely do not push him. The best way to reel him back in this situation is to be there for him when and if he chooses to open up and otherwise give him his space. Focus on yourself and go out with your girlfriends. Tell him all about it when you get back home so that he senses you are not worried about him. This may trigger him to come to you without you having to ask.

Sometimes a man may disappear completely, this is called “ghosting”

Sometimes a man may disappear and you can’t seem to tell why. Most of the time it’s because women aren’t remaining present in the relationship. It’s possibly because they are actually looking towards the man as an object and validation of who they are instead of just focus on finding happiness in their life - in their job, in their own personal existence. Men don’t realize they are picking up on their intuition when they pull away from a woman. Most of the time the relationship in the beginning is fun and easy but then women tend to turn relationships into an agenda-driven focus. This isn’t their fault, this is what a woman wants. And if it’s what she wants, she shouldn't be told it’s wrong. It’s not wrong to want something but its harder and important to focus on your own needs as opposed to the man that is across from you at dinner. It is actually more fun to ignore him and make him “chase”. Men can chase for years. So don’t feel like if you aren’t available to him, that he will disappear. If anything, it will make him want you more. 

Sometimes a man may pull away after a few months of dating. This is because men make very calculated moves. Sometimes the reality is harsh, he might not be ready to settle down and you were great for just the interim. Instead of being upset by this, remember your own worth first, and use them just as much as they use you. If the beginning stages of the dating seemed perfect, and you can’t put an exact reason as to why the man pulled away - it is most likely because he started to sense you were on an agenda driven motive and possibly looking to him as an object. A lot of women are at fault for this because it is how we were raised! We are too easily prone to interacting with our thoughts instead of the person right in front of us. Instead of continuing to keep the dating easy you maybe started to bring up things like “relationship” and “future”. The problem with this is men take a little bit more time than women to make up their minds. You can be the most perfect woman on the planet, and he will still need to think about it. That’s how they are raised! 

If you cannot pin point the exact moment or the exact reason why your man pulled away just after a few months of bliss, try to think of the past few dates. It could be a few different reasons - maybe he sensed your urgency to move the relationship forward to something serious that he isn’t ready for. Although it is difficult to do, the best way to reel a man in, is to give him space, and give him great moments to remember. You want to be distant enough, but not too distant. When you are together, make sure to keep it relaxed, and don’t forget you are a prize to be won just as much as he is. It is important for him to impress you as well. Make sure you ask a lot of questions - the more questions you ask the more likely you are to come across a reason as to why you don’t think you should be with this person. This will put the ball in your court as opposed to his.

Sometimes a man may pull away after a few years of dating. This is the hardest. This may be because he has evolved personally and needs to evolve into his next relationship. Reeling him back in would be difficult. You could try to remind him of the times you have spent together. You can take a similar trip that you have taken in the past to try to rekindle the romance. And best advice would be to give him his space and find your true happiness without him. You could try your best and ask him if he is open to you moving away with him but if a man reels away after a few years, unfortunately it means you aren’t the one. 

Sometimes a man may pull away after you stop giving him enough attention. This happens to most most type B type men, not type A. Type A men do not need as much attention and validation but a type B man may need this. He may need just as much reassurance as you do. If you are a hard working female and your man is a stay at home type man, then it is possible you are intimidating your man and making him feel like less of a man. In order to reel him back in you will have to give him more attention and tell him how much you appreciate him. Some men are great at handling hard working women and not being the bread winner, and other men may need more reassurance that they are perfect just the way they are. Make sure you take him out to dinners and give him as much attention as you would like to have. This type of man is probably more emotional and similar in emotions to that of a woman. So treat him like you would like to be treated.

Sometimes a man may pull away after you put too much pressure on him to get married or solidify the relationship. A man needs to come to this determination on his own, so you can definitely drop hints and try to discuss it once in a while just to gage where he is at, but pressure indicates you arguing with him about it, which I don’t recommend. If you get the sense that his path is not the same as yours, don’t argue, just walk away from the relationship. This is the best way to get him to come back and possibly rethink what he wants out of the relationship. It’s a modern day and age where dating has become more frequent due to online apps and sticking with one partner is not as necessary as it was in the past. Women are more inclined to be in a marriage than men because it is in our nature to be caring and empathetic towards others but also simply because most of us were told that it is important to be married at a young age. Men are not told this as often when they are younger, which is why there is such a drastic difference between men and women as we age. Women believe in the power of strong relationships and carrying a child. Men do want children but they put more of a priority on their personal success than marriage and children.

Sometimes a man may pull away if he starts to feel too vulnerable or if he has been hurt in the past.

Some men may have been hurt in the past and may hold on to it more strongly than women. Men will keep themselves from falling for you if they are worried about being hurt in the end. Women are more likely to allow a man in faster than a man allows a woman in. In this case, you may think he is pulling away but it might just be out of fear. The best way to reel him back is to communicate with him and be very kind. Make sure you spend a lot of time with him if that is what he needs and don’t put too much pressure on him to be more present in the relationship. He will eventually come around if it’s meant to be. You can prove your loyalty by always returning his calls and texts and rarely missing out on a planned date. If your man is in a bad situation at work or at home, make sure you are there for him. This will make him feel like he can rely on you and that you are a good partner to have around.

Sometimes a man may pull away if you start to distract him from his work. 

Some men get very hyper focused around work. So much so, that if you become a distraction for them, and start to try to pull them away from work, they will start to pull away from you. Men are not like women, in the sense that they put their careers first, over the family or the relationship. If they find that they are unable to focus or losing time they will pull away from you.

Sometimes a man may pull away if he thinks the sex is starting to slow down.

If your man is unfortunately very interested in sex, more than you as a person, and the sex starts to slow down, he may pull away and look elsewhere. If you have this type of man in your relationship, I recommend to let him go immediately. This is not the type of man that is interested in your health or well being. Some men are unfortunately wired a little more strongly in this category than other men, which is why they notice more than other men if the sex life has changed. Being in a sex-focused relationship is not healthy. Communication, care, and love are more important than the actual sex itself. Sex is great to have, but not more important, than the other categories that a relationship must posses. 

Sometimes a man may pull away if he starts to find you less attractive.

Some men are more shallow than others. And unfortunately if you start to let yourself go physically - by not working out, or taking care of yourself, and your man starts to pull away, you could reel him back by focusing on self care and getting your old self back together. I do not recommend staying in any relationship if your man is making you feel less of a woman. If he is treating you badly physically or mentally, leave the relationship immediately, it is not healthy. But if your man is simply pulling away, and not really saying why, and you start to work on your self care and he starts to pay more attention to you - then great! But really, wouldn’t you rather be with someone that loves and admires you at your worst? Bad hair, bad skin, but best heart ever? Same. 

Sometimes a man may pull away if he has another girl that has been flirting with him and has sparked his interest. 

Men easily stray, much more easily than women. They are not as blindly devoted or loyal, which is why you should also keep your focus on yourself and your own progress and success. It could also be that your man is cheating. You can attempt to find this out by asking his friends about his whereabouts - or asking him outright and see if he will come forward. I know it will be hard to hear, but it would be better to find out about it so you could move on with your life. Some men will attempt to cheat for years before they tell their woman about it. They want it all - the madonna and the whore. So if you feel like your man is drifting and you think he may be cheating, find out if it’s true and do something about it. 

Sometimes a man may pull away if you are not communicating with him. 

Most women tend to keep it inside if the man is not giving her what she needs. And instead of slowly communicating with him throughout the relationship - about where you guys stand etc. most women tend to explode everything at once on to their man. To avoid doing this, check in with him periodically. Have these conversations often, and don’t ruminate over the feelings you are having or keep them inside for too long. Your man will unfortunately interpret this explosion as drama and instead of communicating back with you, he will most likely pull away. 

This is not fair on his part, but that’s how men are. Your best bet here is to give your man some space and hope that he will come around. In the meantime I recommend as always, to focus on yourself. Do not allow your man’s decision to bring you down. Focus on your happiness and move forward, always.

Sometimes a man may pull away if his friends are constantly trying to get him to go out. The best way to reel him back in this case is to give him his space and give him a taste of his own medicine. Go out with your girlfriends! A lot! Post lots of photos, even mysterious ones on social media, and don’t necessarily tell your man when you are going somewhere or what your plans are. Let him guess where you are and what your next moves are. During this phase, make sure to ignore him as much as possible so he doesn’t take advantage of you. 

Sometimes a man may pull away if he feels stuck . 

Most men like to evolve and change. So if your man is feeling restless and “stuck” either at work or in the relationship itself he may be looking for an out and will pull away. One good way to reel him back in is to find out where he stands in the relationship and what his intentions are with you. If he is serious about you he will need to get his act together. If the relationship is suffering due to his behavior, and you are open to change, in hopes that it will help the relationship - you can recommend that you both move to a different city or state! This will change both your perspectives on life and you will be making a change together. It would be so beneficial and exciting for you both to experience something new together. 

The best ways to reel him back in after he pulls away

A few really great ways to reel your man back after he pulls away is to freshen up your look. If you are a brunette - do something drastic and dye your hair platinum blonde. If you are a very thin girl, drink some protein shakes and try to work out a lot and gain some weight. If you are the type to not always get dressed up, get dressed up around the house for no reason! This will spark some curiosity in him as he won’t know why you are doing it. You don’t need to reveal your reasons. Make sure you post a lot of great beautiful photos with you and your friends on social media to spark some jealousy. Schedule a really fancy dinner date with your man for no reason. This will help rekindle the relationship. Take him somewhere that will remind him of your first few dates. 

One great strategy to reeling back your man after he pulls away is to go on an international trip with your girlfriends and don’t give him too much advance warning. Another great way to reel him in after he pulls away is to spend more time at work and focus on your career. Spend more times at networking activities, and take photos with lots of successful men. Not for the purpose of dating these men, but for the purpose of keeping your man in check. He needs to know that you are a prize. 

A fun way to reel your man back in is to walk around the house in your lingerie while you cook or clean. Switch it up from the ordinary! Buy yourself flowers for no reason. Change up your fragrance. Change up the way you do your hair. Even reorganize your apartment or room. You will be surprised as to how cleaning up and changing your space that you live in will help you change mentally and spiritually. 

Another great strategy to reel your man back in is to be spontaneous - switch up your habits and invite your man to do the same. Take a bath together! See if it will make you feel closer. Take a shower together for fun! Cook together, bake together. Try something different than just sitting around & watching tv at home. Go watch a movie together and see the outdoors. Go on hikes and walk around your local museum. 

A non traditional way of reeling your man back in after he pulls away is to volunteer together. Sometimes the world can feel really disconnected and shallow and if you don’t put in effort to bring change to the world, it will not come to you. Most of the time volunteering opportunities need to be searched for. Volunteering will also help bring new perspective into both your lives. You will realize that your problems are so small in comparison to other people’s problems. Experiencing other people’s sadness will remind you to not take one another for granted.

But most importantly, only make these changes if they will make you happy and if you think that it will be beneficial to you first. Making a change for you first, so that you can affect change in other’s lives is a great thing to do, but do not change for someone just because they want you to. If you are completely happy with the way that you are , then let them go.

Why are you single ? And more annoying questions from the peanut gallery

Posted on: 4.17.2018

I can feel your subliminal questions and judgement. Don't keep your thoughts to yourself, don't have those thoughts to begin with.

Why are men not expected to dress well ?

Posted on: 4.16.2018

Why are men not expected to dress well? And why are women expected to do so? Women are expected to look their best and are even EXPECTED to always wear a new outfit daily.

It is expensive to dress well, no? And when men have such high expectations for our dress but in the same BREATH are not offering us the same salary, how can they expect us to maintain these standards?

For those of us, like me, that do not have a monetary support system other than me, myself and I  - I wonder, how in the world am I expected to keep up and look just as good as the person sitting next to me? The person who has a wealthy husband, boyfriend or parents. Or who maybe has had a better salary their entire lives due to being Caucasian.

Doesn't it affect your view of me if I am not dressed my best? Doesn't it look like I don't care?

Well wake the fuck up MR. ...I do care, I want to look my best, I want to look 100% EVERY FUCKING DAY, but it can cost up to $3k a month JUST to keep up a woman's "look":

1. Hair - $300
2. Nails - $80
3. Makeup - $80
4. Skincare - $200
5. Outfit (and I mean a nice work outfit, not H&M) - $1000+
6. Oh that Louie Vuitton bag all those girls' husbands bought them? $4k bitch. Where's my 4k??

So when you are judging me for the clothes I am wearing, my messed up hair,  my same everyday heels, and my same faux leather bag, remember, are you PAYING ME to look good?

Dear Mr. Patriarchy: I can feel your subliminal judgement towards me. You have two options now. Either pay up, or shut up.

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