15 ways to spice up your relationship

Posted on: 2.24.2018

1. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to surprise your partner with a surprise getaway - something relaxing and sexy - either at a resort or somewhere tropical. This does not need to be an international trip, it can be something local if you are on a budget. A local resort is a great way to go because the resort itself will make you feel like you went somewhere. Take advantage of all the sexy amenities that the resort has - a couples massage, facials, baths, jacuzzi’s etc. Make sure to keep your phones away as well! Staying one hundred percent present is very challenging with technology always interfering. Even go as far as to turn off your phones. Give your closest relatives the hotel desk number in the case of a super urgent emergency - and let’s be real, how often do those happen? 

This is also a great trip for couples that are long-distance. Instead of meeting at either of your partners locations - either meet halfway somewhere or meet in another country! How crazy insane would that feel to meet your partner in another country?

2. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to switch it up in the bedroom, be adventurous - if you are a female wear a sexy lingerie outfit and prance around the house in it, for a long time. This is a bit of teasing, which is both sexy and fun. You can constantly walk by him with your fragrance, lingerie & wrap on , and wave your wrap around him. Even clean the house in your lingerie and make sure you don’t allow your man to touch you until you are done. If you are a male: buy your lady something to wear or bring oils or other elements into the mix. If you are the type of male that likes to dress up - do it! Your adventurous woman will love you for it. If toys are your thing, don’t be afraid to introduce them! If it’s too awkward or weird, then don’t do it again, but it is always fun to try, especially if you have a hard time getting your female partner to orgasm. It is much more challenging to get a female to orgasm than it is for a male to orgasm. So don’t let your ego get in the way - she will enjoy it.

3. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to have a surprise candle-lit dinner & bubble bath ready when they get home. Even throw roses over the bubble bath - use rose oil if you don’t have actual roses. You can also add epsom salt to the mix. Epsom salt is just magnesium which helps your muscles relax. If you are both intensely relaxed you will have really great sex and the passion will be elevated. Spray your entire house with lavender spray and walk around and light some sage to clear the air of any bad energy. Lower the lights in your bathroom to either very low or completely off when you take a bath. Turn off any sounds if you want to sit in complete silence (recommended) or turn on some light tunes. During dinner, I also recommend no cell phones and no television. Talking can also help spice things up. There is so much you don’t see your partner doing during the day, this is a great time to check in and make sure you are both ok and being attended to. Some partners also require more attention than others but may not say it. So make sure you use this time to give your partner your utmost attention because they might crave it from you. 

4. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to book a really nice dinner once every few weeks. Make sure it is very nice - the romantic feel of an expensive restaurant can feel very sexy. You can share a meal with your partner if it is too pricey and limit yourself to one drink each. But the change in scenery and enviornment is definitely a way to switch up the vibes between the two of you. Make sure you remind one another what made you fall in love to begin with. Do not sit across from one another! I repeat - do not sit across from one another! Try to get a booth, so you can sit next to each other, and feel close and romantic while you are eating. Otherwise if you are at a table and are end to end, don’t feel shy to pick up your chair and set it next to your partner so you are closer. Dinner’s in which the partners are sitting end to end feel like interviews. You want this to be close, warm, and passionate to help spice up the night. You can also book a dinner where you know there will be a jazz ensemble playing. You can sit near it and eat and listen - maybe even get up and dance!

5. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to do some yoga together. Late night or outdoor yoga can be very sexy! Imagine ending your tough, stressed out, work week with a couple yoga session. This ensures that you are both releasing the stress of the week behind you and releasing any bad energy that could keep you from getting closer sexually. It will also encourage you to try harder in the class if your partner is present - you will want to impress them. Healthy mind & body makes for a healthy relationship. Yoga also requires a lot of breathing which helps to relax you mentally, if you are both mentally relaxed your stimulus will be evoked. 

6. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to plan to do something romantic after the baby goes to sleep. Being parents can be tough, and can cause you to forget that your partner is a sexual being, not just a parent. The plan can be something very simple, as turning the lights down and spraying some lavender in the air and on your bed sheets. Boiling some tea and relaxing for the rest of the night to jazz music or your favorite music. This will help you both unwind and help get you into the mood. You can put on a movie if you like but talking is very important in a relationship - so I recommend no television or movies. Focus on yourselves, take  this time to talk about deeper things than just the day to day. Ask your partner how they are truly feeling, remind them how they make you feel, make sure you find out if there is anything wrong and figure out a way to make it better.

7. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is, if you are in a very serious relationship or a long distance relationship, to send a nude pic - one that you have had professionally photographed preferably. Nude pics can very easily be associated with “trashy” which is why you will want to have them professionally shot or a little more discreet. Make sure you send this to your man or woman when you know he or she is most likely to be alone, you wouldn't want them to open up a pic on their phone with people around. If they are at work - send it on his or her lunch break. If they are traveling - send it to them either very early in the morning (his time) or late at night. This is a fun and slightly immature way to spice things up. I think it is important to maintain a youthful attitude towards life in general, and reminding your partner you are capable of this can shift their perspective of you and make you seem more exotic and exciting to them.

8. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is, to go on an exotic vacation together, preferably internationally if it meets your budget. Going on a vacation literally forces you to leave everything behind - mentally and physically - and you turn into your true self. Most people feel very sexy when they are on vacation because they are very relaxed and not pressured by the day to day deadlines & meetings that they need to attend to. Going on an exotic vacation also forces you to feel sexy in a way. Most exotic locations are filled with sexy scenery, sexy resorts, and magic. Mystery & magic are all a part of spicy relationships. 

9. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to schedule a few days out of the month to completely turn off your phones and focus only on one another. This is a hard one but worth it! Imagine an entire few days without your phone! This is a tough one if you are in a long distance relationship. But if you are in a long distance relationship, you could attempt to turn your phones off the next time you are together to make sure you only focus on one another. Turning your phone off and not allowing yourselves to use the television or the computer will force yourselves to do things more analog - like play chess, or tic tac toe, which can also be comedic in a way. You can also spend the next few days talking about what you did during this time, which also helps to spice up the relationship for days on end.

10. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is, if they are traveling for work and not at home, have sexy talk over the phone. It is so rare to actually speak on the phone these days - most people prefer to just text and email and not bother one another. So it is extra special if you pick up the phone and hear their voice. If you are uncomfortable with this - try it slowly, you don’t have to say anything that makes you uncomfortable. This is especially great to do if your partner is traveling and you will not see them in a long time. Don’t do this every night, just once while they are away will do.

11. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to bake together and be silly together! Laughter and fun is definitely a way to spice up your relationship because it allows for a higher vibration to release between the two of you. You can use this opportunity to tease one another, tickle one another, kiss, and laugh like you did when you were in the beginning stages of your relationship. Throw some food in each other’s face - break all the rules. It is so important to break the rules with your partner once in a while so they don’t view you as uptight or not aging gracefully. Being mentally youthful is very sexy! Think JLO! Jlo is almost 50 but maintains her youthful air, movements, and speak. It is important to be a certain way in public and with your coworkers but always be yourself around your significant other. This will also show them that you are capable of being mysterious, silly, but still smart and multi-faceted. 

12. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to take a shower together. This is a nice way to switch it up from always being in the bedroom. It also feels very nice having the water run on you simultaneously. You don’t necessarily have to have sex here but you might end up doing so any way! The point is to be so close together in the nude that you feel closer on another level. It is challenging to be so close when you are in your work clothes and running around in your day to day errands. This also allows your partner to view you differently, standing up as opposed to laying down.

13. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to read a sexy novel at the same time. Reading a sexy novel can give you ideas and spark your imagination. If you introduce your partner to something sexy - they might then associate you with being very sexy. Sometimes it is hard for the average human being to express to their partner how they are feeling sexually or what they want sexually - so this is a great way to hint to them what you want without actually having to say it. This can be a sexy experiment for your partner that is long distance. This can also help you with conversation starters if you aren’t sure how to start them yourself. Practice makes perfect. You might feel uncomfortable at first but allow your partner to encourage you. Don’t correct your partner when they are attempting this, because they might not feel confident to do it again.

14. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to walk around the house nude together. This is an interesting experiment because it puts the both of you in your most natural state and you might surprise yourself as to how it makes you act. When you are in a natural state you will most likely also be in your most relaxed state. Sometimes the human mind is not sure why it feel agitated - so try this! It might release all your anxiety & agitation. When you release yourself from all societal “norms”, which aren’t the most natural states, the human mind lets go and completely relaxes. Societal pressure is what give the human mind anxiety, we subconsciously know what is wrong and right. If we didn’t always go along w/ society we would be more like the Europeans - eating at 10PM and taking two hour long lunch breaks! 

15. One awesome way to spice up your relationship is to keep some distance between the two of you so that you make sure to miss one another. Being together all the time can be dull and boring and mundane. Your partner will actually appreciate it if you aren’t always around. They might not tell you this because it is not the nicest thing to say! Make sure to take long distance trips without your spouse. Remember balance is key, I don’t recommend traveling all the time without one another because that could actually hurt the relationship, but every once in a while is sexy. 

20 Secret Ways To Make Him Addicted To You

  1. One secret way to make him addicted to you is not so secret: Keep your distance and notice what he likes! Some men love independent women but others don’t! So it really depends on the guy you’re dating. If you have an independent man that likes his woman at home: keep your home a happy place! It’s a little traditional - but hey, that lifestyle is still for some peeps. If your man loves an independent woman - don’t worry about the house! Make him hire you a cleaning lady & cook if he can afford it - and go about your life as if he’s just an accessory and that you don’t really need him around. 
Go as far as to ignore his texts every once in a while! If you are in a long term, secure relationship, you shouldn't feel the need to be on the phone every minute. This will put a lot of strain and pressure on the relationship and you will need a break every once in a while. Breaks are healthy, it’s very natural. 

2. One way to keep him addicted to you is to travel solo without him and keep your hobbies to yourself. He doesn’t need to be involved in every aspect of your life. But this also doesn't mean ignoring him completely. Let him in every once in a while just for fun - invite him to one yoga class as an experiment, for example, but then remind him that you like doing things alone. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. You don’t need him around every minute, you will get bored of him as well.

Take a trip to visit your friend in another country, without him, for a week or two! You don’t need to be attached to the hip! He will be texting you so much if you do this! This will work like magic! He will be so intrigued as to why you would even want to travel without him! It is perfectly normal to take long breaks from your man, so do not feel like you are hurting the relationship by doing this. He will be so addicted to you after you do this! He will be interested in all the stories you have to tell him when you are back. And the sex is even better after a long break!

3. One way to keep him addicted to you, if he is a busy man, is to schedule dates if he’s busy! Make sure he doesn’t completely forget about you. Men can get very caught up and side tracked by work. To them, going an entire week without speaking to you is perfectly fine in their eyes, so you might have to put in a little bit more work to get this type of man’s attention, especially if your man is Type A. You will need to combine a few of these secret ways to get his attention and make sure he takes a break from his work. Do not be a door mat and wait for this type of guy, definitely stick around if he shows you he really cares and truly apologizes each time you are unable to hang out. 

4 One way to keep him addicted to you is to be spontaneous. Plan a weekend getaway with him or a staycation! Switching things up spatially and environmentally is great for both of your mental appetites, if you satisfy them then you allow for more space for sexuality to roam. Doing mundane things can get very boring, especially for a man. Men need excitement and challenge - but make sure it is always within your realm of comfort. He will be so addicted to you if you do this every once in a while, especially if he has a group of friends he likes to brag about you to. He will definitely brag about this to his friends. 

Also, switching up the scenery is so romantic and refreshing. It will put a new twist on the relationship. Experiencing new things together will strengthen your relationship because you will have even more events to reminisce about in the future. You will also bring exciting stories with you on family and friend dinners and get togethers. So it will benefit not only your relationship, but your social status as well.

5. One way to keep him addicted to you is to find out what fragrance he likes and wear it on special occasions only! If you wear this fragrance every day he may just get used to it, but if you wear it only once in a while, especially a musk-type scent, he will be more aroused when you wear it only so often. He will crave the scent more if you only wear it once in a while. And when you do finally wear it, he will feel like you are rewarding him. He will be so incredibly addicted to you if you do this! He will text you when you aren’t around more often and his energy will change. Fragrance also helps to stir up new energy in your space, so don’t be afraid to switch up your fragrance often, you do not have to wear the same exact fragrance. I believe that having a signature fragrance is outdated. You do not want to smell like your mom! And constantly evolving and changing cultivates a sexy mindset which then in turn will make him so addicted to you.

6. Dress up super sexy at dinner time for no reason and ignore him a bit ;) be sassy - add some attitude - no need to be sweet. Put on full hair and makeup for no reason. Put on some music and maybe even run the bath after dinner with some rose petals.

Especially if you have kids - you need to make it work for the both of you. Push yourself to do these things so you don’t get trapped in the day to day and forget both your sexual needs. You also want to remind your man that you are more than just a mom. There are so many layers to being a woman - a mom, a lover, a companion. You need to literally dress the part sometimes. Do not wear the same clothes that you wear when you are taking care of your child. This will subliminally switch the mindset of your man. He also needs to still view you as a sexual being, not just a mom. So being very well put together and beautiful will remind him of the beginning stages of your relationship when it was easy and flawless. It will remind him of the things he loved about you in the beginning and he will be even more addicted to you.

A sexy dinner also arouses a new type of energy in a relationship. It is such a nice change from your average office outfits and casual outfits. It reminds you that it is good to reward yourself every once in a while.

7 One secret way to make him addicted to you is to walk around the house in your underwear - on occasion - schedule it for the weekends, and as always, don’t do it too often. It is better to be spontaneous. Walking around in your underwear, or even naked, represents freedom and airiness. If you constantly evoke these traits he will be more drawn and addicted to you. Men are addicted to women who are free spirits, because women tend to have those traits more than men. Men are generally drawn to their opposites. If you are a working woman, this is also a really great way to keep him addicted to you. Sometimes corporate environments can put a drain on your style and flow , so letting loose and letting your body be itself will help men be more drawn and addicted to you. 

8. One secret way to make him addicted to you is to keep him challenged. Push him to do better if it will also benefit you! If your man is not a workaholic and doesn’t know his way politically around the office as well as you, don’t be shy to share your secrets, especially if he is a type B male. Type B’s need and appreciate the extra push. It’s not that they aren’t capable of doing it themselves, but some people need others to see their potential and encourage it in order for them to want to grow and flourish. 

9. One secret way to make him addicted to you is to ask for things - a lot! Don’t let him know it’s just ok to just be around. Remember you are a prize and he has to impress you more than you have to impress him. Asking for things is very traditional, and this isn't for everyone. But if you are in a more traditional relationship, your man may simply feel more like a man if you ask him to buy you something, and usually for no reason. Be cute about it! Beg, wink, whimper, all those fabulous girl ways you have of charming your man to doing what you need. 

10. One secret way to make him addicted to you is to be ridiculous - ask him to take you on a trip! And I don’t mean just any trip - the trip of your dreams! Whether that be a two week getaway to Europe, or to the Middle East or to Asia. Make it happen! He will appreciate it and will view you as adventurous. Adventurous people are captivating and intoxicating. He will be even more addicted to you after this.

11. One secret way to make him addicted to you is to wear a wig! Your man will like the switch up! If he thinks it is weird, make sure he knows it is just for fun. Switching up a wig will make him look at you differently, and the goal is to make his work like magic. The wig in a way is magic - it will trick him into thinking you are another type of girl, and most men love all types of girls, so make sure he finds what he wants in you so that he doesn’t stray or go elsewhere. 

12. One secret way to make him addicted to you is to change your real hair color once in a while! Natural is so fun as well. Men love pulling on real hair, so definitely go natural every once in a while as opposed to extensions or wigs. Dying your hair a drastically different color is highly recommended - switch from dark brown to platinum blonde or vise versa, from platinum blond to a chocolate sexy brown. Again, different hair color is stereotypically associated with a different personality. So the point of switching up your hair color is so that he views you differently. This will magically make him addicted to you . He will be texting you as if your relationship is brand new again.

13. One secret way to make him addicted to you is, wait, most importantly: stay true to yourself. If none of these guidelines appeal to you - wipe the slate and do whatever you feel! If you are a sweet girl most of the time, be sweet most of the time. But definitely never ever allow a man to walk all over you, or anyone for that matter! No one should ever treat any human with disrespect, which you probably already know, but just a friendly reminder. 

14. One way to make him addicted to you is to give him really great sex, only once in a while. This is definitely one magic trick every girl needs to keep up her sleeves. If you want, you could text him the night before hinting that you want to do something special, especially if your man is a workaholic and you need him to be ready as well.

15. One way to make him addicted to you is to be sweet most days, but when he is acting up - be aggressive back with him. Never allow a man to walk all over you, or anyone for that matter. There may be days when your man is in a bad mood, and you will need to put him in check! He will know that he needs it, and most men are really great about responding positively to aggressive behavior because you are meeting him half way. If he knows you can “man up” and put your foot down, he will respect you more. This isn't a gender issue, this is a human flaw. Most humans do not respect other humans that do not respect themselves. In a way, you are showing to him that you are inferior by allowing him to treat you a certain way. 

16. One way to make him addicted to you is to make him an amazing meal - but only every once in a while! Don’t work too hard, kick your feet up most of the time, but then surprise him! Men love a warm cooked meal that reminds them of home. Since most people these days eat out often, eating at home is very comforting. Your man make need some comforting every once in a while so make sure you cook him something that reminds him of his moms cooking! He will adore you for it!

17. One way to make him addicted to you is to wear your hair down a lot around him. Most men love when a girl’s hair is down - it’s flirtatious! Flirting gives off great energy and lasts throughout the day. Try being very sexy in the morning, without actually having sex. Mimic the motions in your hair - flip your hair, and watch how many times your man texts you throughout the day! Since flirting gives off a great deal of energy, your man will want to give this energy back to you, so it’s beneficial for the both of you.

18. One way to make him addicted to you is to laugh often around him- and loudly! Laughs can be very addicting! Especially if you aren’t laughing every day. He will look forward to those strange moments when you give off a very loud, awkward, quirky laugh! It doesn't have to be sexy either - it can be different and associated with your personality. 

19. One way to make him addicted to you is to buy him something special at random, not on a birthday or a holiday - but so random that it will be a total surprise! When preparing to do this, try to remember things he needs or wants. Or if he says something simple, like “I really need to fix my car this week”. Men do not mention to women that they wish they could have someone take care of these things for them, but when you do it spontaneously, they will be so surprised and enamored that they will be even more addicted to you! Don’t do this often because he will become accustomed to it and will not appreciate it as much. This trick also works for making him do things for you in return. 

20.  One final and most important secret to make him addicted to you is by being independent and really owning your success and work life! Like I said in the beginning, keep your distance! If your man is secure enough to be left alone, he will find you so sexy and intriguing for carving your own path and not asking him for help. It will be a nice release of pressure on him as well. Most men feel a lot of pressure all the time for being the “man of the house”. So give him a break! Be the CEO your parents always wanted you to marry! 

Being an independent woman is more rare than an independent man. For some men this is a turn off so make sure you are with a man that is supportive and loves you for what you are doing. If you are the type of person that would rather save your relationship than save your work life, than this way is not for you. This is for the die hard women that will only live a life for herself and the man comes second. 

I was silenced: White privilege in corporate America.

Posted on: 2.19.2018

Every company talks about inclusion & diversity. But where is it? I still don't see it.

The topic headlines Yahoo, our favorite magazines & online news, and frequents LinkedIn.

But I work in Corporate America. And I STILL DON'T SEE IT!

The very first company I worked at was 90% white males. The second company I worked at had a few ethnic races, and women, but again, mostly white, especially in positions such as VP, or Director.

Second company, same.

Third company, same.

Fourth company, same. Now 11 years later. Still, no change.

All VP's & Directors = WHITE.

What do I mean by white? I mean of European descent. Light skin, light hair, highly educated, mostly tall.

And let me comment real quick on Highly Educated ...education in America is a privilege, it's expensive. If you can't afford it, you may not be able to go. And if you don't go, you're stuck in the same position your parents were. Poverty is cyclical. If we don't provide all ethnicities with the same equal opportunities, financially as well, then we can never get out.

What do I look like? Short, tan skin, skinny, dark curly (very ethnic) middle eastern hair.

But let me go back to that Third Company real quick. Due to the size of the firm, I choose to keep their name secret because money is power. And let's just say, I have no power. Society has taught me that well.

My direct supervisor = WHITE MALE.

My second direct supervisor = WHITE FEMALE.

My VP of marketing = WHITE FEMALE.

The CEO = white male.

While they were great at keeping the male to female ratio equal. It was still 90% white. And the problem I have with that is in regards to superiority & subconscious white privileged behavior.

I can't say that it is their fault for treating me this way. This is the way they were raised. So who should have spoken up for me and protected me? HR.

Oh but wait, HR manager was WHITE female and VP was WHITE as well.


My direct supervisor would rarely agree with me in public. But if he knew I was right about something, in regards to a design let's say, he would design what I described over the weekend and bring it as his own idea the next week. And he would give me no credit. He would silence me and give me looks in meetings to gesture to me to keep quiet.

If I complained that someone was disrespecting me or bullying me, which they did a few times, he would brush it under the rug.

Was he threatened by me? Maybe, not likely. Was it his white upbringing? MOST likely. Hear me out here, MOST FUCKING likely.

It's too easy to claim that you are "for diversity". He hired one black female as an assistant - can we talk about levels? That's a huge issue of mine. Why were all the ethnic's hired at lower job levels? The hierarchy in the corporate system seem to reflect that which society has built outside of the office - in social standards.

I would complain so much about a vendor of ours who was mistreating us. It made me so uncomfortable to work with them. I complained, and instead of hearing me out or allowing me to work with another vendor they allowed the situation to escalate. Which was my own fault as well, due to my impatience. My impatience of being mistreated in corporate America for 11 years.

I was bullied by the larger girls in the office. I am 5'0 very un-intimidating. I was yelled at in public by two large white females. IN PUBLIC! And no one stood up for me. I would often stay quiet because I feared losing my job more than their hate and their treatment.

I went to HR.

I cried in their office.

I mentioned my boss' name. At the time I felt like it was a huge mistake that I spoke up. I felt like I got laid off because I spoke up. They claimed "budgetary issues". But I knew what it was. The boss was upset with me for speaking up. That was it.

I have made so many excuses about my own behavior since I was laid off. I thought maybe I was too young, maybe I didn't handle the budget correctly, maybe I was too outspoken in meetings - which I was (but wait, is that a fault?), maybe I made a few errors, maybe they really were losing money.

For the past 9 months I continued to repeat the stories over and over in my mind to make sure I could try to remember what I did wrong . I really did want to find out it was me that was the problem. That actually would make this a lot easier on my mind.

Such a Middle Eastern girl thing to do. Blame Herself.

But now that I am happy and healthy and back to my old self. I can now remember very clearly that this was not my fault. This is not an opinion. This is a fact.


1. I was silenced when mentioning the mishandling of money and invoicing by a vendor.
2. I was silenced when mentioning the bullying of other people in the office.
3. I was silenced when mentioning my boss singling me out for imaginary problems that him & other people were making up to try to remove me from my position.

How does this all affect me today?

I am silent in meetings.

It will take me a very long time to ever speak up again if I see something wrong in the office.

I will never go to HR for anything.

Because is it worth it? Someone in my position - with no one to fall back on , is it worth it to lose my job? When my job is all I have?

Currently, no.

But one day, I hope this will change.

My fav drug store makeup products that don't suck

Posted on: 2.17.2018

Here are a few of my favorite drug store makeup products, that don't suck. I use these myself, and since I work in the cosmetics industry, I know that sometimes less expensive makeup is the same exact makeup as more expensive ones. So these top my charts!



the Gretchen effect.

Posted on: 2.14.2018

I didn't realize it until now. Almost 6 years later, as to why I am so shy and meek and soft spoken in my work life

I have been pacified for too long. And now that it is finally my turn to speak up, I can't.


I was always outspoken. Always. In Junior High and in High School - I would talk back to my teachers if I thought they were wrong. I would correct my friends. I had a major attitude . Everyone was always trying to stop me from being me. So I would do what I did best - yell, bite, scream back.

My catholic high school controlled how I wore my hair, my skirt, my words! 

My parents always told me "no". No you can't go in the ocean, no you can't sleep at your friends house, no you can't go by yourself.

But I felt like an adult mentally early on. I can remember as far back as the 5th grade. I always accelerated in my classes. I was in honor classes, on the cheer & dance teams, in AP classes in college. I always felt ready. Felt ready to move on, and felt ready for the next thing.

My first job was SO cool. I am ever more grateful for it when I look back at it. I was an executive assistant at a start up software company. The team was close - mostly guys and then me. But I liked it. I got along with them. It was funny if they tried to hit on me, I usually let it slide and they moved on. We were all still friends no matter what. We would hang out after work and on the weekends even. I even slept at my bosses house once! The rules were different back then. There were less of them.

I felt like I could be myself here. I felt like I finally found a group of people I connected to and had a good career going. I saw myself as an executive assistant for a long time. In Los Angeles you can make a very good - even great income - being an executive assistant. It actually takes a lot more skill and creativity than anyone would imagine - I was part HR, accounting, operations.

But then the market crashed. Everyone was getting laid off. And I was one of them.

I was happy and sad to leave. By this point the “group” started splitting up. We weren’t hanging out as much any more and they weren’t treating me the same. But I was sad it was ending. Excited to find something new.

I decided that my next step would be something different. I was lucky enough to be living at home with my parents, and receiving financial aid. And I was 26 so it was almost ok for me to still be at home. I saved a ton of money being at home! I have way more in my 401k than any of my friends due to me living this way. I was saving up to $1600 a month some months! That’s a lot for an average income individual in the 2000’s. I was only making $50k a year. That seems so low now that I am making a lot more.

So my next step. I hounded the recruiter at BCBG.  I called him all the time! I even had 3 different interviews with 3 different people . I basically forced my way in.

I got lucky

My 3rd interview - I interviewed with 2 of the sweetest girls ever and the recruiter that basically saved my life. I got hired.

Wow wow wow. A visual sourcing & production coordinator at BCBG. I didn’t realize it then , but that is a highly coveted role . It’s so hard to get a job there - can you imagine the number of applicants they received? One of the reasons I got the job was because I went to a UC and in corporate world that means, and it really does, that I’m above average when it comes to school work which technically could mean that you would be above average at work.

to be continued...

its all gucci

Posted on: 2.13.2018

my fav gucci pieces!



My top 5 drug store products under $100

Posted on: 2.03.2018

 So I went to Walgreen's today and stocked up on my fav products. They had a 50% off hair care promo & buy 2 get one free skincare promo! So these are my top 5 drug store products under $100.

The Olay Regenerist Lotion has had some great reviews lately and I had to try. I put some on earlier today and literally noticed immediate results. This never happens!

The Burt Bee's face cleansing cream with soap bark & chamomile is one of my staples - it tingles and feels so fresh. I love using it in the mornings.

The Jamaican Black Castor oil helps clean my scalp so that my hair can grow even longer!

The Strength & Restore smoothie is a styling cream that I use when I wear my hair curly! It keeps it looking moisturized as helps keep my hair from falling out (which is a curly-girl thing ;) ).



Rich Boy Part III

Rich boy called me drunk once.

Isn't that how the story always starts? ;)~

He wanted me to come pick him up and drive his Ferrari home so he didn't crash his car. Damn I should have went.

I had gone to his house once. In the hills of Beverly Hills. Gorgeous, modern, 2 story , 4 bedroom home with open floorplan , high ceiling windows, and a infinity pool - super sexy. I have never slept with him, don't get it twisted. And I don't regret it - I'll tell you why later.

His staircase was clear acrylic and had a fairly large wine fridge. It was the first smart home I had ever been in - it spoke to him as he walked around.  It said "welcome home" when he came in. Super sexy.

He was delicious. He had big lips and big eyes, dark skin and dark hair, not too tall which is perfect for my petite stature. He was sharp. Incredibly intelligent, high minded, well traveled. My type, definitely not for everyone, but I was attracted to him.

I never went to go pick him up but I did call him over and over that night to make sure he made it back home on time. His phone was off.

He called me at 3am sounding very awake. Hmm, I wonder why. I didn't realize it then, but he must have had another girl pick him up and leave by 3AM. So he called me to make it seem like he was alone, but he had sent the girl home.

Honestly, if I were in his position, I would play the game. But I'm part boy in that sense. I never got as hung up on a guy as my friends did, and I am proud of that fact. It's hard to push a guy out of your mind. It takes effort! You have to push yourself to be independent. My magic words were, "you have to". I would cry for a bit, scream internally for a bit, but then the next day - I would get up and go to the gym. That was my portal for breaking off steam. I would go to the gym 5 times a week. It kept my mind busy. And before I knew it, I stopped thinking about him. I ALWAYS stopped thinking about him, that was key.

But after I stopped thinking about him, it's like he could sense it from all those miles away, he would text......

To be continued....

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I wrote this poem about a month ago, but it is very relevant to pop culture right now.  The sound of a woman's gathering, how comforting...

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