I am so excited for 4th of July this year and sooo proud to be Americana ;) I am blessed to have not been shipped back to my country of origin about 8 yrs ago when my fam was finally anointed citizenship. woot woot for freedom and still being able to date cute white men (insert sarcasm - ;) my sis read this and nearly had a heart attack).
Soo...here's to the 4th!! happy shopping!!
Crazy cute Lauren Moshi tee in Melon from Singer22:
American Flag High Socks from TopShop:
RunawayDreamz Flag Shorts from Singer22:
Now I wouldn't go wearing all this stuff at once..but you get the idea :)
LoVe PeAcE FrEeDoM aNd EvEryThing ElSe thAt is SweEt