I have been struggling with the notion of how I could merge my spirituality with my work life.
I have innately felt that corporate environments just don't feel right. And it's no longer my job to fit into them.
I am not a box.
Instead of continuing to conform ourselves to these standards, we must break free from the glass CAGE.
My guru, who I have been studying under for years now, finally put it into perspective for me the other day.
And not that she answered it directly, nor did I pose the question verbally, but she very much answered it indirectly.
She spoke of how the patriarchy is almost as if it is all apart of the same fabric of logic. And the more individuals that commit to this type of work, add to the strength of that fabric. And so it goes for the matriarchy. The matriarchy is all a part of the same fabric of love, community and most importantly, creation. Women hold the symbolic power of creation, sometimes in the form of the womb. In other times as being weavers, nurturers, healers.
So there it was.
How do I choose which path to focus more on?
The answer was within this question: Do you want to be part of the matriarchy* or the patriarchy*?
Because I no longer want to be apart of the fabric that supports and upholds the patriarchy, I MUST join all creative forces against the patriarchy and join any and every creative path possible.
I have been a part of the patriarchy for so long that I couldn't see it. The veil is actually many layers of threads. Although I have been studying feminism for many years now, there's so much more to discover and unfold.
So now I can officially reclaim my new timeline with this new perspective.
*Matriarchy/Patriarchy here represents an entire system, not a gender. Any gender can be part of the patriarchy or matriarchy