I shouldn't have to behave in a manner that is more "male".
To be heard, to be seen, to be understood, to be trusted.
I should be allowed to use my "female" confidence, soft confidence.
Soft power. Soft strength.
I shouldn't have to one up another the way men do to prove myself.
The way North Korea launches a missle and the US slams Syria.
Weapons to show power.
I don't need to show power, I am power, I am soft power.
But power is currently equated with force, strength and aggression.
When real power is softness, waiting, listening, openness.
Real power is in knowing, being, stillness.
It is "female" or whatever "gender" or non-gender you want to assign to this essence of being.
But by all means let's eradicate this idea of power as being aggressive, competitive, destructive.