220 cute nicknames to call your boyfriend

Posted on: 3.02.2018

220 cute nicknames to call your boyfriend

There are so many cute pet nicknames to call your boyfriend, and below are a lot of them - 220 of them, not just a few. Cute nicknames are fun so that your man can feel special, even if he won’t admit that he likes to hear it. Definitely don’t call him these cnames around his family or friends, keep it special between the two of you and use sparingly and in between. Space them out - don’t use them too often. Make sure you use them over the phone and via text message as well, not just in person. Especially over the phone during long conversations. These are by far the cutest nicknames you can use with them or to use as code names with your close girlfriends for guys you don’t want to call by their real name in public. 

You should definitely use a lot of these nicknames if he is having a hard week at work or in a sad mood, it will make him feel taken care of. He will associate you with the nicknames you choose, because it will be a reflection of you, so choose these words wisely. Also, choose the ones that pertain the most to his personality - or the ones that you want him to improve on. Always encourage him to be a better man. For example, if he has been working out a lot, make sure to call him hunk, or hulk, or superman.

You can use these nicknames in the morning when you are cuddling, over the phone if he is upset, in the kitchen if you are cooking together, while you are snuggling and watching television or if you are out at dinner. You can whisper these in his ear or say them out loud. If your boyfriend is a tough guy - he might even appreciate these even more. Think about how cute it is to call a big large man a teddy bear or something sweet? It’s a bit of an oxymoron and he will love it. If he doesnt, you can switch over to the sexy nickname options below. But really though, do you want to be with someone that you can’t use these nicknames with?

If you have a TYPE A guy I would reduce the amount of times that I use this. He will not appreciate it as much as a type B guy. A type A guy is more independent and will associate these words with YOU. See how that works? If you use the words sweetie pie, it makes you look and seem sweet. Therefore, if you use these words too much, your type A guy will think you are too sweet or overly nice and therefore he will be annoyed and might not appreciate it. Your type B guy is probably super sweet. So you can use sweet words with him but if you want to encourage him to be a littler stronger you can attempt some of the sexy nicknames below. Your type B guy will never get sick of you using these on him.

Type B guys are generally more thoughtful humans. So if they are kinder and thoughtful, and you use these words on them, they will in turn think of you as being kind and thoughtful, which will help bring the relationship stronger. Creating nicknames helps with the relationship because it creates a bond between the two of you that no one else has. Common names that other couples use can also be used in conversations over dinner - you can all laugh about all of the silly but fun nicknames that you use to describe one another. 

Nicknames are special because when they have animal like or food like titles, they resemble the 

angel, puppy, dollface, babe, sweetie pie, angel face, sugar plum, bestie, best friend, lover, hun, sweets, sugar, baby face, baddie, love, snookums, wonder boy, sweet boy, honey bear, angel bear, bae, dear, boo boo, bo bear, love bucket, bf, boyfran, babers, lovey dovey, boyfriend in training, cuddle bunny, daddy bear, baby bear, silly goose, snuggle bug, snuggle muffin, sweet cakes, sweet pea, teddy bear, bear, muffin butt, wonder boy, meatball, monkey , monkey bear, panda bear, prince charming, rich boy, poor boy, smart boy, nerd boy, moose, moose bear, moochie, kiss face, pretty boy, lover boy, quiet boy, smelly pants, smelly boy, astronaut boy, car boy, basketball boy, football boy, lazy boy, shy boy, brainiac, apple, care bear, cute pants, button face, taco boy, marshmellow, oreo, pancakes, pudding, sweet potato, sugar lips, my prince, my savior, my saving grace, sexy dork, bubba, bubbly face, poo face

Sexy Nicknames

Here are some sexy pet nicknames to call your boyfriend. This can help turn him on, encourage him, make him feel sexy & wanted, or simply be fun for him to hear. Make sure to use these as well over the phone or via text message. Even pick up the phone once in a while and have a real conversation! Surprise him with random text messages throughout the day. Men will not tell you that they appreciate to hear these things, but they really do. They love hearing more about themselves but won’t ask you to. You will need to remind yourself to do this on your own.

These nicknames will work better on your type A guy. If you use these sexy names if will in turn make you look like a strong, sexy independent woman, which type A men are drawn to. If you use these words too often, your man will not appreciate it as much either, so use sparingly. 

You will need to choose wisely when you use these words with your type B man. He will either love it or hate it. He might even tell you if he hates it.

You should definitely use a lot of these nicknames if he is having a really hard week at work or in a sad mood in general, it will make him feel taken care of. He will associate you with the nicknames you choose, because it will be a reflection of you, so choose these words wisely. For example, if you call him sexy, he will view you as being sexy. If you cal him hot stuff he will view you as being a hot person. If you call him bad boy he will think of you as his bad girl and so on. Also, choose the ones that pertain the most to his personality - or the ones that you want him to improve on. Always encourage him to be a better man. For example, if he has been working out a lot, make sure to call him hunk, or hulk, or superman. If he is super smart but still hot - call him a hot nerd. That is one of my favorites. 

Gorilla, prince, handsome, big boy, baller, G, gangster baby, tough daddy, tough boy, hunk,  hulk, bad boy, daddy, papa, baddie, baby daddy, iron man, stud muffin, zorro, casanova, dreamboat, heartbreaker, heartthrob, hero, hot stuff, hot stud, sexy pants, stud muffin, hot stuff, sailor, sexy pants, sir, soldier, sweet thang, sweet thing, sweetness, sweetnums, hot nerd, heart throb, eye candy, superman, batman, spider man, popeye 

Not so nice nicknames

These not so nice nicknames are probably more for your ex-boyfriend or you can use when you are mad at him. Make sure he knows he can’t use you, walk all over you, or treat you badly. These are pretty aggressive nicknames, so use wisely. These are to be used by man-eating females only. Remember, don’t use these words in public, you always want to sound prim and proper in public, but be yourself in private. That is the best way to handle things. 

You can use these while fighting, but you want to be careful not to insult him too permanently so try to make up for it quickly after a few hours.

You should definitely use a lot of these nicknames if he has recently cheated on you. Don’t worry too much about what he thinks of you after you call him these names because he will have definitely warrant you using these. No man should ever cheat on you, cheating is definitely outdated and shows that he is less of a man. So feel free to use a lot of these over the phone, via text, and especially out loud in person. Feel free to embarrass him in public - so many things are public and transparent these days. The more you let people know they can’t treat you a certain way the more likely they are to respect you. 

Treating someone with disrespect is outdated, and although I don’t condone violence or aggression i do think standing up for yourself is very important. So if you are in the mood for using these harsh words, and he deserves it, then go ahead!

You could use these words to tease your man as well. But be careful you don’t want to tick him off permanently. If you just simply want to put your man in place you could belittle him a little by calling him your “work boyfriend” or “weekend boyfriend”. This will encourage him to change subconsciously. This is an indirect way for you to tell him you are upset with him and call him out on his weakness.

Playboy, robin hood, fuck toy, trap king, boyfling, boy toy, side kick, mansnack, work boyfriend, friends with benefits, friendboy, semi-boyfriend, text message boyfriend, weekend boyfriend, homie, dude, poop face, fuck face, shit face, alpha male

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