Why your best friends are the true loves of your life.

Posted on: 11.27.2018

Women get women. There are so many unspoken understandings between women that men cannot comprehend simply because they lack the experience of being a woman. I LOVE my friends & my sister. I love them more than I have ever loved a man. I have dated many men, this isn’t about man bashing. Women are spectacular and understanding and empathetic. And when you remove the competition, which generations have worked so hard to make happen, and there is nothing to compete against, you are left with good women who simply make life more happy. I have recently been inspired by “All the Single Ladies” written by Rebecca Traister. It’s not what you think it is, but so much more. It really speaks to all the reasons I understood, but didn’t have the words to articulate, why it is so much better to be single. Again, not hating, its just a different lifestyle. And a single lifestyle can open the doors to so many more opportunities than you can imagine. I have always been told by society, by the way people behave, not necessarily through words, and by my grandparents that “you are next” when it comes to getting married, and I have always thought, ugh, i will never get married, for a hate of what it stands for - it stands for confinement, restriction, rules, and a slower paced life that cannot fulfill you as wholeheartedly. So… Why do you love your friends? You love them because they are an extension of you, a representation of you and what you stand for and accept. Friends, should, and usually come without judgement. They come with praise & encouragement, and they know how to uplift you in a way that a man doesn't know how. Men in general over sexualize women and can encourage a woman’s beauty, but sometimes you need a best girl friend who understands something deeper and can encourage the darkest parts of you.


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