Shop Women Owned Fashion:

Posted on: 6.29.2019

10 Women Owned Fashion Brands:

Do you not know you are oppressed?

I recently commented on a sponsored ad campaign from Chanel Beauty promoting their newest blushes & lip glosses for the season using a Caucasian model with fair skin and green eyes, dirty blonde hair, beautiful by industry standards, and an air of entitlement. 

The model was sitting in a car, dabbed on a puff of blush and barely any lipgloss and tossed the products in the back of the car as if she didn't even need them. Because she doesn't :)

White supremacy at its finest, in my very third-eye-wide open eyes.

My comment was mild, in my opinion. I was simply describing my perspective of what I just watched through my words:

"A simple Caucasian woman with no stress or cares in the world. Simply needs to apply a dab of blush and lipgloss on because the world accepts her just as she is and she doesn't have to worry about acceptable or fitting in or stereotypes or racial discrimination (emoji eyeroll, emoji eyeroll, emoji eyeroll)."

I received quite a few comments - even from ethnic, multi-racial women - and (not shocked - eye roll please) to see they didn't like my statement.

Wanna-be clap backs include:

"I'm Latina, I have never been mistreated. I've never faced discrimination either...I blend it with society and don't wake up every thinking that I'm a Latina woman...I am just a human, that's all"

"It's literally a makeup ad..." (from a Vietnamese woman)

"Ohh you don't know me..I have been discriminated against for being white and slim. I just choose to live life in a positive light"

So this raises a lot of questions for me!!

Do these young women not realize their oppression and that the system is not built for them ? 
Are these women not in America? If not, maybe I need to move.
How can we change our language to make the "younger" generation care about these topics so they know how to protect themselves?
White the fuck can you be discriminated against if you ARE the superior race? Please read everything by Rachel Cargle. 

I also highly reccomend Dear White People on Netflix.
Call your Girlfriend Podcast Episode White Fragility:

Obviously I don't have the answers, but I am hoping these questions trigger thoughts and conversations. So enjoy. 


Annabella Z.

Short Story: Heartless in the city.

Posted on: 6.09.2019

Gosh this dating life is getting old. Christoff just won't leave me alone. He needs so much attention and I'm just not sure what I want. I need my space. I need my independence and I need to focus on my work and he just doesn't get it. I have big dreams, that don't involve him. They don't involve anyone really. I am so selfish with my time, I know, but I love it, and I need to focus on my work to get ahead in this life. It is the only way. I want to run my own company one day. I don't live off this idea of family, babies, and a husband. It just doesn't seem to call me. Maybe it's just not for me and that's ok. I grabbed some drinks with a female friend of mine at the Palace hotel late at night. I love being able to catch up and talk to my friends whenever I want.


Posted on: 6.01.2019

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