The Matriarch.

Posted on: 3.16.2019

Our country needs a matriarch. NEEDS.

Nancy Pelosi was at The Wing SF today and my spirit awakened. She is a representation of what the world should look like. The vibe in the room was all love, peace, emotion, and hope. A room full of mothers, children, incredibly smart hardworking women of all ethnicities - shout out to the lovely woman that sat next to me - such a great conversation.

Nancy spoke of Power. Influence. Organization. and Getting things done! She refrained from answering specific political questions and was so classy, well spoken, calm, and omg GLOWING.

I'm not going to pretend I know all things about Queen Pelosi, but I do know that for me she represents exactly what America has been for me personally - security & protection.

I am an immigrant.  Born in Lebanon. I became a citizen in my 20's. And for me, this country has protected me from the war in the Middle East - the misogyny, the lack of government, and the chaos. Of course there's always room for improvement, ;) , but from my point of view we have it pretty damn good. At least our women aren't getting murdered for running for congress. We are progressing, I can feel it.

Spending the rest of my day in a happy, positive, meditative state.

Peace & Love.


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