What is confidence?

Posted on: 12.11.2018

What is confidence?

Confidence is something you have, in your mind, and in your spirit. It allows you to walk through situations without feeling inadequate. It allows you to feel fully and completely in your skin. It IS something you can cultivate and grow into, with practice.

I can't speak to how to fix or gain confidence without first discussion why you lack confidence.

Lack of confidence most likely lives in your subconscious which was placed there through trauma, abuse, tragic experiences, or the like.

To fix this..in short, MEDITATE. A lot!

Meditation actually helps to CLEAR your subconscious. And it takes work and a few years before you see major changes. You will see slight changes in the interim. But I have experienced massive change after 1 year and a half, I can't imagine what my progress will look like in another year!

It sounds so simple, and it is ! :)

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