I work in the beauty industry and overheard my caucasian coworker say, "She's too Middle Eastern".
Not about me, but about a model. This model wasn't "on brand". Working for a brand, I get it, sometimes I need to mute my personal style and focus on the "brand". But that doesn't match my politics. Am I demurring my ideals for money?
My politics tell me to promote and support everyone, regardless of what they look like. What would a brand look like if it had NO rules, literally NO rules about branding - model color style etc. Would it be TOO much? Or would it be just right?
Everything with a splash of Feminist Critique & some story telling.
How Long Does A Man Pull Away Usually And How To Reel Him Back
There are a few things to consider about how long does a man pull away usually and how to reel him back. First, consider your behavior patterns. How do you normally interact with your man? Do you text him frequently? Do you see him everyday?
If the answers are yes, then maybe you both need some space. Too much space is not healthy. But if your man is accustomed to you always being around, maybe you need to consider focusing on your hobbies and self-care before you put too much thought into the fact that he is pulling away.
There are so many reasons why men pull away. Men can pull away from distraction from work, from unhappiness in the relationship (restlessness), and from high stress in the relationship. It’s very rare that a man is cheating, so contrary to common belief, it is not likely that your man is cheating. But I will touch on this subject more, after I speak to these more common reasons first.
First, most men love adventure and change. If a man feels stuck at work and not appreciated, either in or out of the home, he will react. Most men have been taught to keep their emotions at bay, so he will not likely tell you he is upset. So their way of acting out is to pull away and keep silent, possibly act mopey.
Since men love adventure and change, I recommend urging him to go on a spontaneous trip together doing something a little more masculine than you are accustomed to. For example, visit the mountains of Arizona, and go on hikes. Or visit an urban city with amazing food. In some instances it good to create space between one another, but in other situations, you may want to introduce a new activity - go zip lining in Mexico, go to a tall rooftop bar in Dubai, visit Spain! There are so many travel destinations that can help bring you closer. Consider a yoga retreat, or a closer getaway to hawaii or a local resort. Switching up your scenery & enviornment will really help change your spouse’s mood. It is possible your spouse is just in a rut and needs to see you in a different perspective.
Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few days from stress from work.
Men get very hyper focused on work. And if they are incurring stress from work or their boss, they will bring this stress home and are not as easily able to release and let go, unless they are very spiritual. Most men ruminate over information over and over in their minds when it comes to work, that is how they solve problems. The best way to reel him back is to take care of him, if he let’s you. Be supportive, don’t put more pressure on him. And as always, back away as much as possible. Let him know you are there if he needs you but don’t force yourself on him, he may just want to be left alone.
If you want to try to get your man to open up to you about work, ask him some questions and give him some basic advice and then back away. Give him time to think about your words. He will without him telling you
Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few days from restlessness in a relationship.
Men were raised to be competitive & ambitious. Therefore, historically speaking, they are more inclined to become restless in a relationship. What might this mean? It might mean that they are looking for excitement elsewhere, that could be a new career in a new city, or a new relationship with someone else. Men are unfortunately not as loyal as women and easily lose interest and may be looking for someone new. The reasons are usually very subtle and insignificant in the mind of a female. But unfortunately due to the difference in which each sex has been raised, this is the case. Most women do put a lot of effort into pleasing their man, and leaves them wondering why the man would want to leave. It usually has nothing to do with you, it’s all in their mind and it’s their perspective on life. Even more reason to focus on yourself no matter what. In this case there is not much you can do to reel him back, so you need to move on quickly. If he sees you with another man this may trigger his competitive responses but you may not want to go back to him any longer at this point.
Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few months because he is going through a transition at a new job.
If your man recently got a new job and has pulled away from you, I recommend simply giving him some time to get acquainted with the new role. He may be hyper focused on proving himself and will need more time to himself. He may also need to spend a lot more time at work in the beginning to prove how hard of a worker he is. In this case, you do not need to try to reel him back in, your best bet is to give it time and try to support him in the mean time. Giving him space and maybe booking a nice dinner for the two of you every once in a while would be a nice break for him.
Sometimes your man may just pull away for a few months because his work enviornment is stressful and it is affecting his behavior.
If your man has a very demanding job or a demanding boss, he may be internalizing his responses and feelings and therefore seeming like he is pulling away. If your man is in this situation, carefully try to get him to come out and express himself, which he may not want to do, so definitely do not push him. The best way to reel him back in this situation is to be there for him when and if he chooses to open up and otherwise give him his space. Focus on yourself and go out with your girlfriends. Tell him all about it when you get back home so that he senses you are not worried about him. This may trigger him to come to you without you having to ask.
Sometimes a man may disappear completely, this is called “ghosting”
Sometimes a man may disappear and you can’t seem to tell why. Most of the time it’s because women aren’t remaining present in the relationship. It’s possibly because they are actually looking towards the man as an object and validation of who they are instead of just focus on finding happiness in their life - in their job, in their own personal existence. Men don’t realize they are picking up on their intuition when they pull away from a woman. Most of the time the relationship in the beginning is fun and easy but then women tend to turn relationships into an agenda-driven focus. This isn’t their fault, this is what a woman wants. And if it’s what she wants, she shouldn't be told it’s wrong. It’s not wrong to want something but its harder and important to focus on your own needs as opposed to the man that is across from you at dinner. It is actually more fun to ignore him and make him “chase”. Men can chase for years. So don’t feel like if you aren’t available to him, that he will disappear. If anything, it will make him want you more.
Sometimes a man may pull away after a few months of dating. This is because men make very calculated moves. Sometimes the reality is harsh, he might not be ready to settle down and you were great for just the interim. Instead of being upset by this, remember your own worth first, and use them just as much as they use you. If the beginning stages of the dating seemed perfect, and you can’t put an exact reason as to why the man pulled away - it is most likely because he started to sense you were on an agenda driven motive and possibly looking to him as an object. A lot of women are at fault for this because it is how we were raised! We are too easily prone to interacting with our thoughts instead of the person right in front of us. Instead of continuing to keep the dating easy you maybe started to bring up things like “relationship” and “future”. The problem with this is men take a little bit more time than women to make up their minds. You can be the most perfect woman on the planet, and he will still need to think about it. That’s how they are raised!
If you cannot pin point the exact moment or the exact reason why your man pulled away just after a few months of bliss, try to think of the past few dates. It could be a few different reasons - maybe he sensed your urgency to move the relationship forward to something serious that he isn’t ready for. Although it is difficult to do, the best way to reel a man in, is to give him space, and give him great moments to remember. You want to be distant enough, but not too distant. When you are together, make sure to keep it relaxed, and don’t forget you are a prize to be won just as much as he is. It is important for him to impress you as well. Make sure you ask a lot of questions - the more questions you ask the more likely you are to come across a reason as to why you don’t think you should be with this person. This will put the ball in your court as opposed to his.
Sometimes a man may pull away after a few years of dating. This is the hardest. This may be because he has evolved personally and needs to evolve into his next relationship. Reeling him back in would be difficult. You could try to remind him of the times you have spent together. You can take a similar trip that you have taken in the past to try to rekindle the romance. And best advice would be to give him his space and find your true happiness without him. You could try your best and ask him if he is open to you moving away with him but if a man reels away after a few years, unfortunately it means you aren’t the one.
Sometimes a man may pull away after you stop giving him enough attention. This happens to most most type B type men, not type A. Type A men do not need as much attention and validation but a type B man may need this. He may need just as much reassurance as you do. If you are a hard working female and your man is a stay at home type man, then it is possible you are intimidating your man and making him feel like less of a man. In order to reel him back in you will have to give him more attention and tell him how much you appreciate him. Some men are great at handling hard working women and not being the bread winner, and other men may need more reassurance that they are perfect just the way they are. Make sure you take him out to dinners and give him as much attention as you would like to have. This type of man is probably more emotional and similar in emotions to that of a woman. So treat him like you would like to be treated.
Sometimes a man may pull away after you put too much pressure on him to get married or solidify the relationship. A man needs to come to this determination on his own, so you can definitely drop hints and try to discuss it once in a while just to gage where he is at, but pressure indicates you arguing with him about it, which I don’t recommend. If you get the sense that his path is not the same as yours, don’t argue, just walk away from the relationship. This is the best way to get him to come back and possibly rethink what he wants out of the relationship. It’s a modern day and age where dating has become more frequent due to online apps and sticking with one partner is not as necessary as it was in the past. Women are more inclined to be in a marriage than men because it is in our nature to be caring and empathetic towards others but also simply because most of us were told that it is important to be married at a young age. Men are not told this as often when they are younger, which is why there is such a drastic difference between men and women as we age. Women believe in the power of strong relationships and carrying a child. Men do want children but they put more of a priority on their personal success than marriage and children.
Sometimes a man may pull away if he starts to feel too vulnerable or if he has been hurt in the past.
Some men may have been hurt in the past and may hold on to it more strongly than women. Men will keep themselves from falling for you if they are worried about being hurt in the end. Women are more likely to allow a man in faster than a man allows a woman in. In this case, you may think he is pulling away but it might just be out of fear. The best way to reel him back is to communicate with him and be very kind. Make sure you spend a lot of time with him if that is what he needs and don’t put too much pressure on him to be more present in the relationship. He will eventually come around if it’s meant to be. You can prove your loyalty by always returning his calls and texts and rarely missing out on a planned date. If your man is in a bad situation at work or at home, make sure you are there for him. This will make him feel like he can rely on you and that you are a good partner to have around.
Sometimes a man may pull away if you start to distract him from his work.
Some men get very hyper focused around work. So much so, that if you become a distraction for them, and start to try to pull them away from work, they will start to pull away from you. Men are not like women, in the sense that they put their careers first, over the family or the relationship. If they find that they are unable to focus or losing time they will pull away from you.
Sometimes a man may pull away if he thinks the sex is starting to slow down.
If your man is unfortunately very interested in sex, more than you as a person, and the sex starts to slow down, he may pull away and look elsewhere. If you have this type of man in your relationship, I recommend to let him go immediately. This is not the type of man that is interested in your health or well being. Some men are unfortunately wired a little more strongly in this category than other men, which is why they notice more than other men if the sex life has changed. Being in a sex-focused relationship is not healthy. Communication, care, and love are more important than the actual sex itself. Sex is great to have, but not more important, than the other categories that a relationship must posses.
Sometimes a man may pull away if he starts to find you less attractive.
Some men are more shallow than others. And unfortunately if you start to let yourself go physically - by not working out, or taking care of yourself, and your man starts to pull away, you could reel him back by focusing on self care and getting your old self back together. I do not recommend staying in any relationship if your man is making you feel less of a woman. If he is treating you badly physically or mentally, leave the relationship immediately, it is not healthy. But if your man is simply pulling away, and not really saying why, and you start to work on your self care and he starts to pay more attention to you - then great! But really, wouldn’t you rather be with someone that loves and admires you at your worst? Bad hair, bad skin, but best heart ever? Same.
Sometimes a man may pull away if he has another girl that has been flirting with him and has sparked his interest.
Men easily stray, much more easily than women. They are not as blindly devoted or loyal, which is why you should also keep your focus on yourself and your own progress and success. It could also be that your man is cheating. You can attempt to find this out by asking his friends about his whereabouts - or asking him outright and see if he will come forward. I know it will be hard to hear, but it would be better to find out about it so you could move on with your life. Some men will attempt to cheat for years before they tell their woman about it. They want it all - the madonna and the whore. So if you feel like your man is drifting and you think he may be cheating, find out if it’s true and do something about it.
Sometimes a man may pull away if you are not communicating with him.
Most women tend to keep it inside if the man is not giving her what she needs. And instead of slowly communicating with him throughout the relationship - about where you guys stand etc. most women tend to explode everything at once on to their man. To avoid doing this, check in with him periodically. Have these conversations often, and don’t ruminate over the feelings you are having or keep them inside for too long. Your man will unfortunately interpret this explosion as drama and instead of communicating back with you, he will most likely pull away.
This is not fair on his part, but that’s how men are. Your best bet here is to give your man some space and hope that he will come around. In the meantime I recommend as always, to focus on yourself. Do not allow your man’s decision to bring you down. Focus on your happiness and move forward, always.
Sometimes a man may pull away if his friends are constantly trying to get him to go out. The best way to reel him back in this case is to give him his space and give him a taste of his own medicine. Go out with your girlfriends! A lot! Post lots of photos, even mysterious ones on social media, and don’t necessarily tell your man when you are going somewhere or what your plans are. Let him guess where you are and what your next moves are. During this phase, make sure to ignore him as much as possible so he doesn’t take advantage of you.
Sometimes a man may pull away if he feels stuck .
Most men like to evolve and change. So if your man is feeling restless and “stuck” either at work or in the relationship itself he may be looking for an out and will pull away. One good way to reel him back in is to find out where he stands in the relationship and what his intentions are with you. If he is serious about you he will need to get his act together. If the relationship is suffering due to his behavior, and you are open to change, in hopes that it will help the relationship - you can recommend that you both move to a different city or state! This will change both your perspectives on life and you will be making a change together. It would be so beneficial and exciting for you both to experience something new together.
The best ways to reel him back in after he pulls away
A few really great ways to reel your man back after he pulls away is to freshen up your look. If you are a brunette - do something drastic and dye your hair platinum blonde. If you are a very thin girl, drink some protein shakes and try to work out a lot and gain some weight. If you are the type to not always get dressed up, get dressed up around the house for no reason! This will spark some curiosity in him as he won’t know why you are doing it. You don’t need to reveal your reasons. Make sure you post a lot of great beautiful photos with you and your friends on social media to spark some jealousy. Schedule a really fancy dinner date with your man for no reason. This will help rekindle the relationship. Take him somewhere that will remind him of your first few dates.
One great strategy to reeling back your man after he pulls away is to go on an international trip with your girlfriends and don’t give him too much advance warning. Another great way to reel him in after he pulls away is to spend more time at work and focus on your career. Spend more times at networking activities, and take photos with lots of successful men. Not for the purpose of dating these men, but for the purpose of keeping your man in check. He needs to know that you are a prize.
A fun way to reel your man back in is to walk around the house in your lingerie while you cook or clean. Switch it up from the ordinary! Buy yourself flowers for no reason. Change up your fragrance. Change up the way you do your hair. Even reorganize your apartment or room. You will be surprised as to how cleaning up and changing your space that you live in will help you change mentally and spiritually.
Another great strategy to reel your man back in is to be spontaneous - switch up your habits and invite your man to do the same. Take a bath together! See if it will make you feel closer. Take a shower together for fun! Cook together, bake together. Try something different than just sitting around & watching tv at home. Go watch a movie together and see the outdoors. Go on hikes and walk around your local museum.
A non traditional way of reeling your man back in after he pulls away is to volunteer together. Sometimes the world can feel really disconnected and shallow and if you don’t put in effort to bring change to the world, it will not come to you. Most of the time volunteering opportunities need to be searched for. Volunteering will also help bring new perspective into both your lives. You will realize that your problems are so small in comparison to other people’s problems. Experiencing other people’s sadness will remind you to not take one another for granted.
But most importantly, only make these changes if they will make you happy and if you think that it will be beneficial to you first. Making a change for you first, so that you can affect change in other’s lives is a great thing to do, but do not change for someone just because they want you to. If you are completely happy with the way that you are , then let them go.
Why are you single ? And more annoying questions from the peanut gallery
Posted on: 4.17.2018
I can feel your subliminal questions and judgement. Don't keep your thoughts to yourself, don't have those thoughts to begin with.
Why are men not expected to dress well ?
Posted on: 4.16.2018
Why are men not expected to dress well? And why are women expected to do so? Women are expected to look their best and are even EXPECTED to always wear a new outfit daily.
It is expensive to dress well, no? And when men have such high expectations for our dress but in the same BREATH are not offering us the same salary, how can they expect us to maintain these standards?
For those of us, like me, that do not have a monetary support system other than me, myself and I - I wonder, how in the world am I expected to keep up and look just as good as the person sitting next to me? The person who has a wealthy husband, boyfriend or parents. Or who maybe has had a better salary their entire lives due to being Caucasian.
Doesn't it affect your view of me if I am not dressed my best? Doesn't it look like I don't care?
Well wake the fuck up MR. ...I do care, I want to look my best, I want to look 100% EVERY FUCKING DAY, but it can cost up to $3k a month JUST to keep up a woman's "look":
1. Hair - $300
2. Nails - $80
3. Makeup - $80
4. Skincare - $200
5. Outfit (and I mean a nice work outfit, not H&M) - $1000+
6. Oh that Louie Vuitton bag all those girls' husbands bought them? $4k bitch. Where's my 4k??
So when you are judging me for the clothes I am wearing, my messed up hair, my same everyday heels, and my same faux leather bag, remember, are you PAYING ME to look good?
Dear Mr. Patriarchy: I can feel your subliminal judgement towards me. You have two options now. Either pay up, or shut up.
It is expensive to dress well, no? And when men have such high expectations for our dress but in the same BREATH are not offering us the same salary, how can they expect us to maintain these standards?
For those of us, like me, that do not have a monetary support system other than me, myself and I - I wonder, how in the world am I expected to keep up and look just as good as the person sitting next to me? The person who has a wealthy husband, boyfriend or parents. Or who maybe has had a better salary their entire lives due to being Caucasian.
Doesn't it affect your view of me if I am not dressed my best? Doesn't it look like I don't care?
Well wake the fuck up MR. ...I do care, I want to look my best, I want to look 100% EVERY FUCKING DAY, but it can cost up to $3k a month JUST to keep up a woman's "look":
1. Hair - $300
2. Nails - $80
3. Makeup - $80
4. Skincare - $200
5. Outfit (and I mean a nice work outfit, not H&M) - $1000+
6. Oh that Louie Vuitton bag all those girls' husbands bought them? $4k bitch. Where's my 4k??
So when you are judging me for the clothes I am wearing, my messed up hair, my same everyday heels, and my same faux leather bag, remember, are you PAYING ME to look good?
Dear Mr. Patriarchy: I can feel your subliminal judgement towards me. You have two options now. Either pay up, or shut up.
Top 10 Ways to Say Good Morning That Will Make Your Partner Crave You More
Posted on: 4.01.2018
1. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to simply to roll over and tell them, “hey baby”. It’s simple and sweet. It is also simple enough that your partner will know that you are not necessarily trying to initiate a long conversation, especially in the morning when you are both most likely rushing to get ready and get to work. It’s a way to check in with them and brighten up their day! This could also initiate some very important cuddle time in the morning and help you both focus on one another for just a moment as opposed to worrying about what is about to unfold in your day.
Morning time is so special for couples - especially if you have kids because this might be one of the few times you are alone all day and you should make the most of it, even if its just for a few minutes. If you are a very busy person, and your partner is aware of it, they will appreciate you even more if you simply take 5 minutes out of your day to recognize their presence. They won’t go on throughout their day wondering how the two of you are - status wise.
2. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “morning princess or morning handsome”. Females love to be treated sweetly and using princess is great - no matter how old they are ! Even older women love sweet affectionate nicknames. Since men do not receive as much attention as women in regards to looks - I recommend calling them “handsome” , they will appreciate it. Making men feel appreciated is important because they are usually raised to not tell you they need the reinforcement, but they do. Men secretly crave a lot of attention, so make sure you give it to them. They also might not tell you that they appreciate it, because that is in their nature but do not let this discourage you, continue to do it, and be rest assured that they definitely appreciate it. If you pay very close attention you will be able to notice when a man feels like he wants a little bit more of your attention without saying anything - and trust me he won’t say anything - he might look down at dinner or he might seem frustrated by something. He might have a longing or sad look on his face but it won’t last long.
He will cover it up immediately. You will need to be very intuitive and in touch with your partner to be able to recognize these emotions. Men are hard to read, so pay very close attention. Once he starts to open up, which he might once in a while, make sure you give him your utmost attention, and never make him feel discouraged, otherwise he will never open up to you again - yikes! Once you make a man feel discouraged or belittled, they will usually never try again with you. They are a little more headstrong this way. Women also love attention, but this is more well-known, which is why a man should not keep it away from her. Men tend to be greedy with their affection, especially if they can tell their woman is down and needs it. Men will keep affection away from a women to spite her or to make her feel bad about herself which in turn makes her feel like she can’t do any better than the man she is with. In a way this is an old school, traditional tactic to make your woman feel insecure. Women are becoming more and more independent, confident, and empowered lately, so this tactic will not work as much as it used to. So you will need to be more attentive or she will go somewhere else! Also, this treatment will not benefit your relationship, so regardless of this tradition, you shouldn't want to treat her in a bad way. Helping to encourage her and make her feel secure in herself will make her feel more secure with you and she will treat you better! The sex will be better and the connection will be stronger. Women have strong affectionate powers so the more you make her feel more powerful the more she can use her power to make you feel good in return.
3. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “morning angel” for a male or female. It’s nice to switch up the nicknames for your partner - and one of my favorites is angel. The nickname angel signifies someone who watches over you, takes care of you, and protects you.
Therefore, when you use this name with your partner it will reinforce this symbolism and make them feel acknowledged for taking care of you. Symbolically angels are always with you when you are out and about so this also reflects that you think of your partner throughout the day, everyday. Make sure you remind them of this as well every once in a while so they feel secure in the relationship. Your partner will want to know if you think about them throughout the day or miss them throughout the day. Angels are also symbolically known to be guides and powerful doers - so calling your partner an angel will make them feel this was subconsciously.
4. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “hi mouse (usually for a female) or “hi bear (for a male)”. This is sweet pillow talk for anyone - no matter gender or age. Everyone loves to feel like they are adored by their partner. Mouse & bear is affectionate because it resonates with a small (for female) or large (for male) creature that symbolizes innocence and cuddliness. This could also make your male or female partner crave you more because you will make them feel more feminine or masculine. If someone feels comfortable in their skin around you , they will feel much closer to you - sexually as well! So it benefits the relationship on multiple levels.
5. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “hi sweetheart”. This is a basic one that most people probably use but it’s important because it signifies a connection with your partner that no one else has with them. When you label your partner with these names it reminds them of who they are to you in your relationship which helps to build a stronger bond.
Using the word heart and sweet also signifies how you feel about this person - so even if you are busy and haven't been able to connect with your partner in a long time, or have a long conversation with them, a simple few words can go a long way. If you are busy in the morning - cooking in the kitchen, or with the kids, and have other things on your mind, make sure to take just two seconds to say these words, that will be sufficient enough for your partner, and if they are a good partner they will feel comfortable with the fact that you are busy but will appreciate the nod to the relationship.
6. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “hi pumpkin”. This is just a for-fun one! A pumpkin in fairytales are usually represented by something that changes or evolves into something magical. One pumpkin in particular comes from the fairytale Cinderella - it transformed from a pumpkin to a carriage. So it is associated with magical powers and reminds your partner that they are magical to you. This is a cute one because it’s also a little silly and immature and every once in a while you need to remind your partner to have fun and that life isn't so serious all the time. Reminding your partner of magic will also make them think of you as magical! Being magical is another way to say powerful, mysterious, and someone that makes great things happen. Love is a very magical thing so this one is a great one for relationships.
7. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to simply say “morning” while caressing their face or giving them morning kisses, or playing with their hair. This is also a great time to initiate morning cuddling. The morning time is very special to couples because it is when you are both at an even level of energy space and could connect the strongest mentally in the morning. In the morning is when your internal vibration is at its lowest, and allows you the possibility to use your mind more powerfully. Connecting mentally is sometimes very hard to do - it requires letting go of fear, being open, letting your guard down, and completely relaxing and allowing the other person in. Ideally, you could connect so strongly mentally that you could literally read one another’s minds. You don’t need to speak much in the morning, but simply holding one another and relaxing at this state will help your internal bond grow much stronger. Couples that can connect to one another mentally are usually the strongest.
The morning time is a great time to do something unique together as well - like a daily ritual that will help set the tone for the rest of your day - whether that be drinking coffee together, reading the paper together, or cooking breakfast together, even going on a run together. It’s important because its truly only 30 minutes or an hour of your entire day - you may not see your partner for the next 10 hours in some cases! It’s tough to connect during the night time because at this point you might be both too tired to give one another your utmost attention, so take the time in the morning since you will have more energy.
8. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “hi sugar plum” or “honey bunch”. I personally like this one because it signifies that your partner is sweet, like sugar and honey, and in return they feel that you are sweet for saying it. This is also another just-for-fun one, it’s a good way to switch it up. Your partner will also think you are clever and witty each time you bring a new nickname into the mix. You will also be able to gage which one is their favorite, if they respond more cheerfully to one versus another, then you know which one is their favorite. It is especially special when a man chooses to use these types of nicknames for their woman - because they are less likely to do it. Such a sweet phrase coming from a powerful man can be incredibly charming and endearing. So don’t be afraid to use it! You will not seem less of a man for using these nicknames, if anything, your woman will think you are more of a man for using them and will be even more enamored with you for it.
9. One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to say “hi baby face”. Everyone loves to be complimented - regardless of age or gender. Reminding your partner that they are beautiful in the morning is important because it will remind them that you love them in their most natural state - in the mornings, without hair and makeup on, and you love them for who they are on the inside. The outside is just a bonus! And in general - if you love someone on the inside you find beauty in the outside that no one else sees. And that is extra special.
Men will like this one as well, so don’t be afraid to use this on your man. Even the strongest men crave sweetness every once in a while. If you are a very strong woman - this would come off as being very charming from you to your man. This affectionate nickname is a little romantic as well - because it reminds your partner of when you were younger, most likely. And relationships in the beginning stages are always the sweetest, most puppy love type stage.
10, One way to say good morning that will make your partner crave you more is to use all of these saying every once in a while - try not to use the same line all the time, but definitely choose a few favorites that you use more often - and space it out! Be spontaneous ! If you say the same thing every day, for example, your partner will get used to it and not be as excited by it and would maybe take it for granted over time. But if you say it every few days or even every few weeks, they will look forward to it and appreciate it when you say it.
They will consider the few times that you do say those things as very special times and will hang on to the special words longer and most likely for up to an entire week. People hold on to your words a lot longer than you realize - it’s about making memories! If you really want to , you could schedule it out on a calendar - your phone calendar or computer calendar - when you call them by a nickname in the morning so that you make sure you don’t forget to do it - especially if it’s not in your nature to do these things. Sometimes you need to push yourself to do something for the happiness of your partner, and in turn, your relationship. Also, scheduling something out on a calendar will help you realize if you feel like you are using nicknames too much or too little. It also depends on your partner. If you have a partner that really enjoys a little more attention - then don’t keep it from them. Use all the nicknames you want on them. If you have a partner that is a little more independent, use it once in a while so they don’t get turned off by it.
Top 10 Ways to Say Good Morning That Will Make Your Partner Crave You More . Nicknames like “sugar plum”, honey bunch, babe, sweetie, baby, princess, handsome, angel are all great ways to greet your boyfriend or girlfriend in the morning - either in person or through text. The next 10 ways are our top ways to be sweet to your partner that will help them to crave you more and keep them thinking about you all day. Tips and tricks like - don’t text often, be subtle, be funny every once in a while & switch things up - will help you to keep the relationship fresh and interesting. Nicknames can be charming and fun - for either males or females, don’t be shy, be spontaneous!
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