Racial Inequality at Work.

Posted on: 3.30.2019

How do you spot racial inequality at work? Especially when it is so subtle these days. It's not like anyone is turning to me and directly saying, "I don't like you because you are not Caucasian".

 Racial Inequality at work looks like:

 1. Not being HEARD or listened to in conference meetings
2. Being "HUSHED" - by a gesture of the hand or requested to "never say that again" (oppression.com)
3. NOT being promoted when there is a qualification to do so

 I recently left my job at a cosmetics company in San Francisco, which, on the outside seems SO incredibly diverse. And it's founders, of Lebanese descent, how could anyone say they were racist?

I can. Because I experienced it. The founders aren't in the office every day, and the CEO is too busy dealing with the big picture. Lots of things go unnoticed. It's not like the caucasians would give the CEO their "ugly" face in person.

It happens in private - ALL THE TIME.

 How to fix this IMMEDIATELY:

1. Ask, demand, a Diversity & Inclusion program, so matter HOW SMALL! It can even be 2 people LARGE
2. Send articles to your HR department and demand that they train their caucasian leaders on how to be more CONSCIOUS of their everyday, SMALL actions. Small actions are huge here.
3. Ask yourself, is this an environment I am in worth it?


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