The art of doing nothing.

Posted on: 1.07.2021

 The art of doing nothing is actually very hard to achieve.

It requires patience, breath, and letting go. Who knew that the art of letting go was so difficult?!

Here are some tricks to letting go:

1. Repeat "Let Go" over and over in your mind until you exhaust yourself

2. You can try other mantras like "Sit Still", "Just Be" or other. And simply repeat over and over until you have calmed down.

3. You can put on HZ frequency music, and sit still listening to it  - search "HZ frequency" on youtube.

4. You can listen to a sound bath - on a meditation app or search for one on youtube

5. You can listen to the silence

6. Sit outside and watch the birds or nature, even if its just a tree, nothing fancy

7. Take a walk if you can, sit on a bench and watch the water or nature

The point is to try to sit HOURS at a time. 

The art of nothing can also seep into the art of conserving energy. This can relate to everything in your life :

1. Washing your clothes - do you really need to wash them so often? Unless you are very sweaty, maybe you can re-wear the same shirt 4x+

2. How often you cook - try cooking a larger amount at one time, this saves on the cleaning, cooking & back and forth process


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