The Wing.

Posted on: 3.30.2021

 What happened to the Wing?

The Wing was a pop culture feminist safe-space come to life. It felt how I would image you would feel if Barbie suddenly appeared in front you as a real human and started talking.

A feminist utopia. So much pink. It felt like a hug, a place I could fully relax, without the male gaze. It felt like a complete "letting go". A place to practice using my voice.

I was a member for a year in San Francisco and I can attest to this feeling. While not perfect, and there were definitely underlying issues hidden behind the scenes, upon entering, it brought me a feeling of comfort, of safety. 

As a middle eastern woman, yes I still saw the glaring inequalities between me and the white women within, which I experience on the daily anywhere in life really, however, for the time being, this was the best feminist-instagram culture come to life, to date. This was the best we got and as an optimist, I wasn't about to complain. 

As a woman, I am not of the mindset to bash another woman or try to bring her down, especially in our fucked up patriarchal society. I was proud of being a member. I was proud there was a female CEO, Audrey Gelman, & COO who were bringing in BANK, even if they were white.

I loved visiting after work for events and on Saturday's for writing sessions after the gym.

I can't emphasize the level of unveiling that happened for me during this time. The events, the events, the events! I would attend three per week, each on a different topic - from how to be more involved in community politics, to racial inequality in the workspace, to how to pitch to a VC. 

The amount of circle sessions I attended were so healing, so necessary. New book discoveries. 

I'm sure some folk would go just for the glamour, or the beautiful space, but I was enthralled with the events. I felt the energy of progress. Yes it was siloed, yes we had more work to do, but I couldn't help but immerse myself in the wonder that exploded in real life. I mean what 30 year old woman do you know opened up 12 locations in under a year? All promoting feminism? Damn.

An entire wall of books that you could check out for free. Blankets for reading, or crying. Fragrance and a vanity room for that self-care. Lesbians. Non-binary folk. So diverse.

Damn I miss that place.

Yes, there needed to be more black leaders. Yes, the price was ridiculous and I probably could have saved the money (but fuck, so so worth it). 

But remove the wing altogether? Oh and the patriarchy wins again. Batting women against women has been their BEST strategy to date.

I recently heard the wing was sold, and I am sure it will change, but I found it to be an awakening. And I hope it continues in some way or another. We need it, desperately. 


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