Let's talk feminism - Aston Martin's new President Laura Schwab

Posted on: 12.16.2018

Let’s talk feminism. Again. 

So last week I was chatting with my man of the moment. And he sent me a video of Jay Leno & Aston Martin’s new female president driving & talking about the car. For those of you that don’t know - Aston Martin is a very high end luxury car that is incredibly expensive.

After he sent me the video, he added a comment that said (this is a direct quote from a text), “lol, they hired this women to be the president of aston usa and she knowns nothing about the car and sounds so dumb look at all the comments”.

I immediately went into woman power feminist mode and barked back with “why are you so mysogynistic? if that was a male and sounded like an idiot you would still applaud him. She’s probably more into finance than the car’s engine”. 

His response (a direct quote), was, “No I wouldn’t applaud him she was specifically hired because of the whole feminist movement to try to make the company look good. But she's a joke, doesn’t know anything about her own car Jay Leno basically had to answer the questions”.

My genius reply was, “We (women) haven’t been afforded the same opportunities as long as you (men) have . So of course she may not be as well versed but doesn't mean you shouldn't give her a chance.”

My reply is what the feminist movement is all about - giving women a chance. I am not saying we are “better”. No one is better. We are “EQUAL”. And the only way we can truly be equal is if we are ALSO given OPPORTUNITIES, when men are constantly given jobs, pay raises, insane bonuses, for having a lot less experience than us. 

I could talk about this for days. But in short, MAN UP - we need men on our side this year, we can’t do this alone. Men need to realize that we are here for the opportunities so that WE can feed our families and provide support. We (women) are here for the opportunities so that we don't have to rely on a man and can be free from their power (and let’s be honest - sometimes their wrath). 

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