Beastly. Part 4.

Posted on: 11.18.2018

Part 4: Beastie was vernal when she walked in a room. She was like a breath of fresh air that did not give a damn what anyone thought of her, and she really didn’t. She brushed off others’ subliminal thoughts and judgement with no effort. Which is why she was able to influence and rally up her followers without even trying. Her posse came to her, she didn't even have to lift a finger, thats how powerful she was. Beastie had a scar that was striated along her thigh, and she was so proud of it. She thought imperfection was unique . Her whole being was diaphanous , she wasn't afraid to speak her truth or be bold or direct. She was never dyspeptic because she was so healthy and uplifting , bright and positive. She moved and danced with celerity. She spoke to her comrades in homily, was definitely a leader with though provoking and provocative ideas . And her comrades listened eagerly as she led with love, not fear. She had a propensity for astrology, mythical idolatries, and tarot cards. She is definitely a mystic and she was their deity. Her daily attitude was sanguine , it was difficult to get her to not be so joyous for no reason, as her meditations elated her. Her mellifluous spirit definitely attracted her adherents. Although kind natured, when provoked, her truculent attitude came to life. She was from the hood, afterall. When alone, or with her lovers, she was ultra salacious by nature and a true lover at heart, but only for a lucky few. She was cosseted by her parents, probably way too much as a child, and therefore was a slow grower, but nevertheless, she grew to perfect proportions in essence and in reality. She was rarely crestfallen considering she was very grounded and realistic when she needed to be. She understood the rules very well and was able to separate herself from her emotions, especially when it came to survival. This is how she survived. The egress outside of her apartment led out to a large deck . Her adherents ineptitude at times angered her but she loved them anyway, for she loved them for their hearts and pure souls and nothing else. Her love and essence were of esoteric understanding, most men looked at her with question, as opposed to open and welcoming faces. They wondered why she was so small, why her hair was so big. They thought, hmm she’s attractive but would I feel proud having her stand next to me in front of my business partners? Yuck, She shunned men because she was so attuned to how they viewed her and what they wanted from her. She had true love once, for a short while, and then never again, for along while. Which she was ok with, because she learned to self-soothe and self-love. She closed the idea on being incomplete without a lover, she felt even more complete on her own. Her ethos , virtues, and constitution was manifold. Her behavior was exemplary for others, a true goddess, firm in her notions and actions. She constantly exonerated her adversaries, for the simple purpose of letting their thoughts evaporate from her aura. She constantly cleansed her space and was free from evil thoughts. Because she believed that having evil thoughts attracted evil thoughts, so if she was free from evil they would stay away. They tried, because they were challenged and threatened by her. So she was forced to constantly protect herself. She was so libertine, that was was idolized by her adherents and loved so deeply. Her voice was surprisingly more sonorous than you expect, which required others to bow respectfully. She constantly refuted the accusations against her constantly as the stellas were always trying to spread calumny that she was all fake and a terrible person. Although sweet and kind, Beastie was recalcitrant towards authority and loved breaking the rules. The exegesis of Beastie’s lifestyle was constantly inaccurate. She would cachinnate at the stories in social media about her. They would attempt to mar her reputation but it never worked. The stellas were oddly noisome to the modern nose, constantly covering themselves up in atrocious fragrance thinking they were doing something good. The girls might have as well had a yoke connecting all their necks.

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