Why do brands tolerate racism from their influencers that they support ?

Posted on: 6.02.2018

Youtubers like James Charles and Kathleen Lights have promoted racism outwardly on social media. And brands like Morphe, NYX Cosmetics, L'Oreal and others STILL promote them, even collaborate with them. Where is the NO TOLERANCE rulebook when it comes to these KIDS? These twats? These ignorant little brats. Kick them the fuck out. NO TOLERANCE means progression. In the same manner that we have pulled high profile male celebrities and public figures from the media in regards to #metoo and #timesup, we should treat these KIDS the same. These kids have been raised in ignorant family status', being mostly from the MidWest. It's not their fault. They have been socialized. But it IS a brands fault for allowing it and continuing to promoting it. I scream, cry, and BEG, for no-tolerance. Even if it means you lose a few millions. I think you will be just fine, you billionaire brands you. Ugh, come the fuck on!

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