how to: self care.

Posted on: 10.27.2018

If you follow me on insta, @lovecrushbella, you KNOW I love a good self care Sunday. Here is my list of MUSTS for Sunday's, all around the topic of self-care: 1. Start the day with meditation and a downward dog. 2. Take a yoga class, preferably for an hour and a half or two hours (trust me you have the time) 3. Use the steam room for 20 min 4. Enjoy an afternoon treat - avocado toast, anyone? 5. Don't clean your room. 6. Put in a hair mask for at least 3 hours while you lounge/read/etc. 7. Take a bubble bath while putting on a face mask (or two) 8. Prep your meals for the week - meal prepping is self care for the entire week! 9. Meditate for 1 hour before bedtime 10. Listen to ocean sounds while dozing off Yes, I ACTUALLY do all of these things, in this order, on Sundays. I promise it will set you up for the most perfect work week. #selfcarestrong


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