White people in Corporate America.

Posted on: 3.06.2019

First of all, I must say: I am an immigrant, and SO thankful for the protection this country brings. I am also thankful for the diversity that this country allows for us to have. Please do not confuse my words for ungratefulness.

But, there is always room for improvement.

The issue with Caucasians in the work force is that they are so incredibly ignorant to so many daily injustices and micro aggressions that us colored women face. And I'm not even the most marginalized! I am Middle Eastern, so I can't imagine how terrible Black women get treated! However, my daily workplace is still my jail cell and I will fight for change, however little is possible.

In office environments where I am surrounded by Caucasians, I am the last to be heard and recognized - and not because I don't speak up, I speak up constantly, but because most Caucasians are biased and wired to only hear and agree with other Caucasians. I have been literally hushed - silenced - on multiple occasions by my bosses, I mean oppressors, oh I mean bosses ;)~. I am even silenced by the Caucasian WOMEN in my office - it blows my mind. I could literally say "the sky is blue" and everyone would disagree with me, but the caucasian woman next to me could say "the sky is pink" - and everyone would agree, regardless of her being incorrect.  On so many occasions a white woman, who was not as qualified or good at her job has risen above me. My younger naive self would say, my time will come. But will it?

Will it come if I don't shout & yell? I don't think so. So this is me shouting and yelling.

There are times when I do speak up, loudly, and I am considered aggressive, or not nice. So I can never win. My options are to sit quietly and accept my fate, or stand up and fight to trail blaze for the women that will come after me. So I speak up, regardless of the shushing, and the ignoring, and the not being promoted. And I urge you to do the same.

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