SIMPLE Vegan & Gluten Free Potato & Leek Soup.

Posted on: 12.18.2018

OMG you are going to devour this soup. Very simple to make too!

1. 4 Stalks of LEEK , chopped
2. 1 onion, chopped
3. 1 garlic, minced.
4. 6 potatoes - chopped , I like my soup a bit chunky , so up to you how big or small you want these
5. 1 Bok Choy (optional!, I happened to have some one day and threw it in and it tasted perfect!)
6. 1 teaspoon salt
7. 1 teaspoon thyme
8. 1 tsp rosemary
9. 4 cups vegetable broth (gluten free)
10. 1/2 tsp coriander
11. Black pepper to taste
12. 1 tbsp avocado oil
13. 2 small cans of coconut cream


1. So, first, saute the onions, garlic and leek on medium heat for about 10 minutes . Mix in all the spices after they are fully cooked.
2. Add in the vegetable broth & all potatoes (or until potatoes are fully covered in the broth) and cook on medium for another 10-15 minutes until potatoes are fully cooked
3. Add in the coconut cream
4. BLEND everything in the pot using an immersion blender (I don't fully blend mine because I like it chunky) , or slowly transfer to a blender until the entire soup is blended.


Super Simple Cauliflower & Garbanzo Soup, Gluten Free & Vegan

Posted on: 12.09.2018

Super Simple Cauliflower Soup , Vegan & Gluten Free

1. A whole cauliflower (or two)
2. Fresh Tomatoes - Qty 3
3. 2 Onions
4. 3 cloves of garlic
5. Tomato Sauce
6. 2 cups precooked garbanzo beans (soaked overnight)

1. Chop up some onions, and cook until golden , add garlic
2. Add spices to onions (1 tbsp coriander, 1 tbsp turmeric, 1 tbsp cumin, 1 tbsp paprika, 1 tbsp cayenne pepper)
3. Add tomatoes & tomato sauce to onions
4. Transfer the sauce to a larger cooking bowl
5. Add in the chopped cauliflower
6. Add in the garbanzo beans
7. Simmer on low for 15 minutes or go

**as always, intentionally simple for those on-the-go babes.

A very SIMPLE vegan & gluten free Thanksgiving.

Posted on: 11.22.2018

 So this Thanksgiving , I hosted my first dinner ! All under $100 (for three people) and with very minimal ingredients per dish.

No meat, no dairy, and no eggs in sight!

This was my situation:

1. Green Beans w/ Scallions
2. Baked Sweet Potatoes
3. Baked Acorn Squash
4. Roasted Beets w/ Roasted Sesame Seeds
5. Vegan Mashed Potatoes
6. Side Salad

Green Beans w/ Scallions

Literally, a little oil, grill the scallions for a few minutes and then grill the green beans (about 1 lb) for 3 minutes. You can cook them longer if you want them softer.

Baked Sweet Potatoes 

Cut 3 sweet potatoes into cubes
Cover your pan with avocado oil or other
Place potatoes onto pan
Drizzle a little more oil over the potatoes
Sprinkle salt or garlic powder (or whatever you prefer)
Bake at 450 degrees for 35 minutes

Baked Acorn Squash

1. Bake 2 Acorns in the oven at 450 degrees for 30 minutes
2. Remove and slice in half
3. Cover each acorn in oregano , cinnamon and nutmeg
4. Cook for another 45 minutes
5. Serve with Maple Syrup

Roasted Beets

1. Cut up 5 red beets into cubes
2. Boil for 20 minutes
3. Then, Bake for 30 minutes at 450
4. Roast sesame seeds over the stove top on medium for about 5 minutes (no oil necessary) - they start to pop like popcorn
5. Drizzle the sesame seeds over the roasted beets when they are done cooking

Vegan Mashed Potatoes 

1. Cut up 5 large potatoes
2. Boil for 30 minutes
3. Smash until smooth
4. Add salt and oregano
5. If you would like, add 5 roasted garlic cloves

Side Salad:

1. Chopped Tomatoes
2. Dandelion (about a handful)
3. Lemon as your dressing
4. Cucumbers chopped


recipe: easy VEGAN GLUTEN FREE rice & garbanzo beans

Posted on: 1.22.2018

Prep Time: 5 min
Cook time: 15-30min


Half cup of Rice
1 can Garbanzo Beans
1 tsp Turmeric 
Salt & Pepper to taste
Half an onion, chopped small 
1/2 tsp coconut oil

Serves 2


1. Chop Onions
2. Place 1/2 tsp coconut oil in pan on medium heat.
3. Grill onions for 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown
4. Rinse rice
5. Add the rice + garbanzo beans to the pan
6. Cover with 2 cups water
7. Add salt, pepper, and turmeric & stir

Boil for about 15 min on low or until rice is cooked thoroughly.

Easy peasy ;) 


Gluten Free & Vegan - Simple Veggies & Noodles

Posted on: 10.30.2017

4 small zucchini's
1 medium eggplant
2 tomatoes
1 entire bag of Rice noodles
Peanut Sauce
Soy Sauce (gluten free)


1. Chop all veggies.
2. Pour 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in a pan.
3. Place zucchini's, eggplant, and tomatoes in pan
4. Put a dash of salt, pepper, and curry over the veggies.
5. Cover the pan and let the veggies steam for 20 minutes while you cook the rice noodles separately.
6. Boil water in a separate pan & place the rice noodles. cook the rice noodles for no more than 10 minutes - you want them to be soft but not too soft!

After the rice is complete - place in a serving bowl. Top the rice with the veggies. Add peanut sauce & soy sauce for extra flavor if needed. Toss & serve!




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